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Prague REPRAP session Volume 1

Hello everyone, we are planning reprap session in Prague. We expect there will be follow up session on April.

Where - HUB Praha, Drtinova 10

Proudly provided by Virtualmaster


  • 2012-03-17
  • main members @9:30
  • 9:30 - 10:00: coffee, donuts, meeting people
  • 10:00 - 11:00: start construction (frame)
  • 11:00 - 12:00: lightning talks
  • 12:00 - unknown: construction


  • netmilk and phokz from virtualmaster
  • Josef Prusa
    • Josef has confirmed printing of parts is in progress and he will come between 10am and 11am
  • @kvbik (jakub vysoky) and his father @JerryFox
  • elmariofredo + 1
  • ang
  • carlos
  • jiri drvota
  • houba


  • meet people
  • share knowledge and ideas
  • build most of one machine
  • we would like to invite at least one current owner of reprap

Basic links

Shopping list

  • 5 stepper motors (best source needed)
    • XYZ printers from NL
  • printed plastic parts (ebay? Prusa?)
    • Prusa will print them for nice price ;-)
  • RAMPS board (snail instrumets) [phokz will buy one]
    • snail does not have them in stock, use XYZ again
    • parcel from NL will hopefully arrive
  • 4 or 5 motor drivers Pololu1182 (snail instruments) [phokz will buy 4]
    • oh god no!! again from XYZ, 3700Kč for one is rip off
  • Arduino Mega 2560 (multiple vendors)
  • fasteners and rods fabory festo

Printing material



  • elmariofredo will buy rods, nuts, etc.
  • phokz have ordered and paid arduino mega 2560
    • kvbik will bring one as well from pvelectronic - 1,190 CZK
    • bought from [Ing. Oldrich Horacek])http:
    • total price with shipping 1,257.71 CZK
    • will arrive tomorrow directly to HUB
    • also available at snail instrumets, but too expensive
  • phokz will buy RAPMS and motor drivers from XYZ printers
    • order completed and paid on 2012-03-06, I hope they'll send it in time
    • arrived on 2012-03-16, mostly soldered by phokz
    • 2x female header 1x8pins needed
  • kvbik will buy 5 NEMA17 stepper motors
    • 5 of them from http: SX17-0905
    • order completed (thx to JerryFox and his social hacking skills), steppers should be on Tue 2012-03-13
    • bought by kvbik price=2100CZK including tax and shipping
    • steppers at home
  • ang will buy hotbed
  • netmilk will buy extruder parts
  • netmilk will buy belts x T2.5 timing belt 920mm x T2.5 timing belt 900mm x T2.5 timing belt 840mm

Misc tools and materials to bring

  • screwdriver (phokz)

  • makita (netmilk)

  • drill bits (phokz)

  • soldering iron (phokz)

  • common keys and screwdriver bits (phokz)

  • knife (phokz)

  • gluegun (phokz)

  • tie wraps (phokz)

  • ATX power supply (phokz)

  • little hammer and sharp nail (phokz)

  • All buyers should be assigned before 2012-03-06


  • finish shopping list
  • assign ordering of parts to participants
  • invite owner(s) of reprap
  • learn software for printing
  • learn software for modeling objects
  • study printing materials

task invite owner(s) of reprap

  • i have sent info/invitation to RepRap forums
  • invite all the possible guys to RepRap Czech page on Facebook
  • i have sent invitation to Josef Prusa
    • Josef will try to attend
  • i have sent invitation to Tom Petrzela

Other ideas

  • elmariofredo will bring tripod and camera to take some shots

results from meetup

what parts we miss

  • 10 x linearni loziska na pojezd (lm8uu from xyz printer) √ bought by elmariofredo from aurko
  • hlazenka tvrdochrom na hridele
    • not needed for the moment, but for next machines we should use it
    • check prices
  • sklo 2mm 20x20 - vicekrat
    • phokz will check prices and availability at local glazier shop Valsuba Revnice and will buy 10 pcs if price < 20CZK
    • phokz: price is 59CZK/piece (material, cutting and grinding glass edges), time to delivery is about 3 days
    • phokz have ordered 10 pcs, but others please check availability and prices at your local shop
    • glass at home, final price was 410CZK which is 41 per piece
  • paska na sklo PET
  • aceton na rozpusteni ABS
  • hnaci sroub
    • hobbed nut - we will get one from pepa prusa
  • termistory
    • one is in delayed order from XYZ
    • phokz was in GME yesterday and bought some 5kOhm thermistors, but they should be 100kOhm
    • raprep preferred thermistor is EPCOS B57550G104J, which is 100kOhm NTC
  • material na printeni
  • vyriznout dreveny podpory pod heatbed
    • give me(phokz) a link to current template, I'll cut it from MDF (plovouci podlaha)
  • kvalitni ATX zdroj OCZ (dobry konektory, utahne vic tiskaren)
  • √ elmariofredo pruziny

notes with prusa

  • vizualni navod

  • remenicky zajistit navrtane

  • klinovy remen s lepsim profilem pro kvalitnejsi zmenu smeru pohybu

  • upinani remenu

  • firmware pocitadlo podle typu procesoru

  • firmware sprinter - nejlepe branch experimental (na githubu)

software chain

results from meetup 12/04/02

zapojeni motorku

oranzovy, cerny, modry, bily

misteaks ;)

  • zavitova tyc 3 na extruder a k nim pruzinky
  • nebo delsi srouby 3
  • male podlozky

visual manual



building in progress

printed parts gotchas


some parts are different from official "stable" version, eg couplings are made by @nophead, who is creator of alternative mendel version to prusa mendel





we mounted steel pulleys in wrong direction.. next time if we won't use steel pulleys, we can print em

results from little meetup 12/11/1

  • vycistit sroub

  • rozchodit skeinforge == slicer (kvbik)

    • zpomalit?
  • zvysit teplotu heatbed

    • test vyparit kapku vody
    • zvysit napeti? (jejda - mame 10V viz prechodove odpory)
    • teplovodna pasta mezi sklo a desku
  • zmerit teplotu hotendu

    • teplovodna pasta (lisak)
  • vytvorit penovou desku na izolaci (lisak)

  • zmerit odpor termistoru

  • prechodove odpory na konektorech zdroje

    • 10A draty 2mm^2
    • aby z nej slo opravdu 12V


  • pocitacovy zdroj uz asi nzdrojuje..

  • zmeril jsem odpory pri pokojove teplote

20.9 Cel - pokoj
110 kOhm - hotend (zeleny kabliky)
113 kOhm - heatbed (modry kabliky)

visit in reprap emergency 12/11/09

@josefprusa visit by @kvbik & @JerryFox

  • mame novy pocitacovy zdroj a s nim je napajeni bez problemu - 12V (Corsair CX500)

  • pepa nevidel, co je v nasem hotendu za problem, ale potvrdil, ze jde ztuha mrkne nam na to a kdyz nebude vedet, co s tim (a ani @arcol mu neporadi) tak nam da jeho novy hotend (prusa nozzle)

  • heatbed snad hreje dost, ale misto obycejne kancelarske pasky ;)) tam mame dat PET pasku -> jemne se zdrsni a potre ABS rozpustenem v acetonu, coz kdyz se udela dostatecne, staci cca jednou po deseti tiscich - jde o to, aby se na desce zachytily kousky rozpusteneho ABS a tisteny model se tam lepe chytal - alternativa je nepouzivat PET pasku a ABS v acetonu natirat primo na sklo - ale pred kazdym tiskem

  • na slicovani pouzivat http: - oproti skeinforge je novejsi, rychleji vyvijeny a autor je porad na IRCu (akorat je to v perlu.. :))

  • sprinter (aka firmware do arduina) pouzivame my i @josefprusa z experimental branche

  • pry se nam dost hreje kabel, kterym napajime heatbed


Prague REPRAP Session






No releases published


