- Minnesota
- https://philjstubbs.com
- @iamPhilStubbs
An interactive, responsive, progressively enhanced project task manager with filtering using Next.js 15, Tailwind CSS and Prisma. NB! Database might be sleeping, give it a minute after the initial …
The Complete Intro to Postgres, as taught by Brian Holt for Frontend Masters
An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
PWACompat to bring Web App Manifest to older browsers
Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration. Automatically generates icon and splash screen images, favicons and mstile images. Updates manifest.json and index.html files with the generate…
Create PowerPoint presentations with a powerful, concise JavaScript API.
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
Flitter is a powerful framework inspired by Flutter, supporting both SVG and Canvas to create high-performance graphics and user interfaces. It is designed to easily implement complex data visualiz…
Go-blueprint allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework
A package to disable the mouse cursor
⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js
🕑 Modern Timeline Component for React
This is a Full Stack app starter with the foundational things setup and configured for you to hit the ground running on your next EPIC idea.
CSS-in-JS reinvented for scalable, typesafe design systems. A modern approach to just-in-time atomic CSS using CSS variables—no bundler required.
StyleX is the styling system for ambitious user interfaces.
🛠️ The recommended way to start a Vite-powered Vue project
Common JavaScript used across Winterbloom's documentation
A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community.
A tiny (286 bytes) state manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores