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Seam is an API for IoT devices, but we recently lost all of our code. Can you rewrite Seam from scratch for us?

We managed to save our customer data into customer_data.json (thank goodness)

We need to recreate the Seam Dashboard, a way for customers to view all the devices they've connected to the Seam platform and add new ones.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Design a SQL schema and a script called load-customer-data.js in NodeJS that loads in all the customer data from customer_data.json and inserts it into the schema you designed.

Tip: You'll need a device and customer table.

Tip: You can use a framework like node-pg-migrate to run your migration with node

Tip: You can run a postgres instance on your machine with docker using docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust postgres and connect to it using psql -h localhost -U postgres

  1. Create a Next.JS project and design a Login page. Your login page should have a single field "email" and a login button (we are very trusting at Seam, no passwords required!). If the user types the email correctly they should be redirected to the page in (3). If they type it wrong they should see an error

Tip: We don't care about design at all. Please make something that looks bad

Tip: Seriously don't worry about the look of it!! OK, if you really insist, you can always try to wire in Tailwind CSS :)

Tip: You'll need to create an api directory and drop a route in there, maybe api/login.js

  1. Create a page for viewing all the devices a customer has. Customers should be able to delete their devices. After a customer logs in, they should be taken to the page for viewing devices.

Tip: If it wasn't clear, this interview isn't about security, no need for auth, but if you implement session auth (with a Bearer token) that's a BONUS

  1. Create a page for creating a new device. After the device is created it should be owned by the logged in customer. Put a link to the create device page on the page where the customer can see all of their devices.

Tip: Use a dropdown for the difference device types

  1. BONUS: Write a dump-customer-data.js script that connects to the database and writes out a JSON file in the same format as customer_data.json

Did I win?

You should spend less than 5 hours on this task. We'll schedule a 30 minute followup to go over what you made. If you don't finish that's fine.


Seam rewrite






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