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Week 2

Resources - User Interaction and Flows

This week we are covering user interaction and navigation flows within apps.


This week we will be building a news article searching application powered by the New York Times Search API.


User Stories

The following user stories must be completed:

  • User can enter a search query that will display a grid of news articles using the thumbnail and headline from the New York Times Search API. ( 3 points )
  • User can click on "filter" icon which allows selection of advanced search options to filter articles. ( 3 points )
  • User can configure advanced search filters such as: ( points included above )
  • Subsequent searches will have any filters applied to the search results. ( 1 point )
  • User can tap on any article in results to view the contents in an embedded browser. ( 2 points )
  • User can scroll down "infinitely" to continue loading more news articles. The maximum number of articles is limited by the API search. ( 1 point )

The following advanced user stories are optional but recommended:

  • Robust error handling, check if internet is available, handle error cases, network failures. ( 1 point )
  • Use the ActionBar SearchView or custom layout as the query box instead of an EditText. ( 1 point )
  • User can share a link to their friends or email it to themselves. ( 1 point )
  • Replace Filter Settings Activity with a lightweight modal overlay. ( 2 points )
  • Improve the user interface and experiment with image assets and/or styling and coloring ( 1 to 3 points depending on the difficulty of UI improvements )
  • Stretch: Use the RecyclerView with the StaggeredGridLayoutManager to display improve the grid of image results (see Picasso guide too). ( 2 points )
  • Stretch: For different news articles that only have text or have text with thumbnails, use Heterogenous Layouts with RecyclerView. ( 2 points )
  • Stretch: Apply the popular ButterKnife annotation library to reduce view boilerplate. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Use Parcelable instead of Serializable using the popular Parceler library. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Replace all icon drawables and other static image assets with vector drawables where appropriate. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Leverage the data binding support module to bind data into one or more activity layout templates. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Replace Picasso with Glide for more efficient image rendering. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Switch to using retrolambda expressions to cleanup event handling blocks. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Leverage the popular GSON library to streamline the parsing of JSON data. ( 1 point )
  • Stretch: Consume the New York Times API using the popular Retrofit networking library instead of Android Async HTTP. ( 3 points )
  • Replace the embedded WebView with Chrome Custom Tabs using a custom action button for sharing. ( 2 points )


With required user stories completed:

With several optionals completed, the app might look like:


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