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This CLI provides you a way to create, build and serve your svelte app. Under the hood webpack is used for all operations.

npm i create-svelte-app -g

# yarn
yarn add global create-svelte-app

# or
yarn create svelte-app

How to use

Run all commands inside a svelte project. You don't need a bundler anymore, because as I said before, it already has a preconfigured webpack.

Example structure:

  - App.svelte

If you do not want this behavior, you can simple run svelte create and choose a template.

Single .svelte file

You can serve a .svelte file by runningsvelte FILE_PATH.svelte or svelte serve FILE_PATH.svelte. When you use this feature, a main.js is temporarily created by the CLI. If you want to pass props from this main file to your svelte file, you can set a JSON-String via the --props flag.

# or svelte serve ...
svelte ./test.svelte --props '{"prop":"hi there!"}'

And if you want to build a project with this .svelte file, run:

svelte build ./build.svelte --props '{"prop":"hi there!"}'

Custom Elements

This CLI makes it easy for you to create a custom element. Just run:

svelte build FILE_PATH.svelte --custom-element # or short -ce

The CLI creates the javascript file, and you can use your custom tag that you specified within your <svelte:options tag="your-custom-element"/> tag.

svelte --help

  -V, --version            output the version number
  -h, --help               output usage information

  serve [options] [path]   Serve project/file
  create [options] [path]  Create project
  build [options] [path]   Build project (default entrypoint is ./src/main.js

You can also run this command for each sub-command like this: svelte create --help.

svelte serve or just svelte

Usage: svelte serve [options] [path]

Serve a project or a single .svelte file (default entrypoint is ./src/main.js)

  -m, --mode <type>      Set mode (development|production) (default: "development")
  --props <string>       Set props JSON, if you serve a .svelte file (default: "{}")
  -ce, --custom-element  Serve as custom element (default: false)
  -t, --title <string>   HTML-Page Title (default: "Svelte-App")
  -p, --port <number>    Application port (default: 3000)
  -h, --help             display help for command

svelte build

Usage: svelte build [options] [path]

Build project (default entrypoint is ./src/main.js)

  -m, --mode <type>      Set mode (development|production) (default: "production")
  --props <string>       Set props JSON, if you serve a .svelte file (default: "{}")
  -ce, --custom-element  Build as custom element (default: false)
  -t, --title <string>   HTML-Page Title (default: "Svelte-App")
  -h, --help             display help for command

svelte create

Usage: svelte create [options] [path]

Create project

  -f, --force              Overwrite existing project (default: false)
  -tpl, --template [name]  Set a template (default: "")
  -h, --help               display help for command