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This document describes the requirement allowing to easily run dhis2 using docker containers.


How to have dhis2 running in one command?

Start a terminal and execute docker-compose with the default config, Sierra Leone dataset, or use docker-compose-empty-db.yml if you want to start with a clean state.

docker-compose up -d


docker-compose -f docker-compose-empty-db.yml up -d

Once the container is up, open url http: and connect using usernmame admin and password district as explained in the dhis2 documentation

When running on Mac OS X or Windows pointing to localhost will fail. It fails because de Docker Host address is not the localhost but instead the address of docker host VM. Run $ docker-machine ip default to get Docker Host address.

Application logs

To access application logs run docker-compose logs -f.

Docker images

Docker images can be found at Docker Hub

Using Docker Cloud for DHIS2 containers cloud deployment

Docker Cloud handles the orchestration of your infrastructure and application containers. The simplest DevOps you'll find without compromising on flexibility, they say...

Docker Cloud is free!.

Docker Cloud supports several providers:

For testing purposes I'm using AWS Free Tier. All you have to do is

  1. Create AWS Account
  2. Create Docker Cloud Account or use your Docker ID if you already have one to access Docker Hub.
  3. Link AWS Account with Docker Cloud
  4. Create a node
  5. Create and deploy stack using the following Stack file
  image: 'pgracio/dhis2-db:2.25-sierra-leone'
    - PG_DATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
    - POSTGRES_DB=dhis
    - POSTGRES_USER=dhis
    - '/opt/dhis2/database/221-sierra-leone:/var/lib/postgresql/data'
  image: 'dhis2/dhis2-web:2.25-tomcat7-jre8-latest'
  deployment_strategy: high_availability
    - 'JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms4000m'
    - database
    - '8080'

Bugs, new requests or contribution

Please submit bugs and feature requests at

Any other questions contact Paulo Grácio on Twitter at @pjrgracio, email at [email protected]