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Full glory!


My config files, mainly Vim, Tmux, Git & Zsh aimed at working in Linux & OSX.

Key Features

  • Uses NeoBundle as package manager.
  • Zsh with Zplug.
  • Awesome shell prompt based on pure
  • Geared towards portability.
  • Equipped to handle web development (HTML/CSS/JS/Frameworks/etc...)
  • NERDTree/CtrlP for browsing


  • Git


# Git clone this repository into your `~/.dotfiles`
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles

# Make sure you have Zsh as your shell
$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
$ exec zsh

# Run bootstrap script on Linux/OSX
$ . ~/.dotfiles/install/install.zsh

# Optionally apply hacker defaults on OSX
$ . ~/.dotfiles/install/

# After installation is complete, open a new shell or run:
$ . ~/.zshrc
$ zplug install

# To update plugins
$ zplug update

What happens during install & load

  • Files from link are symlinked to ~/.
  • If ~/.extra exists it is sourced on profile load.
  • Git config is extended with ~/.gitconfig.local if it exists.

Overriding settings

Profile overrides

Place any profile load overrides you want in ~/.extra

Git overrides

To override .gitconfig params add a ~/.gitconfig.local file. Anything you add here will extend and override existing params from .gitconfig.

For example:

    name = Gilad Peleg
    email = [email protected]

Customizing iTerm2 Themes:

  • Clone iTerm2-Color-Schemes
  • Import your favorite theme in iTerm2 -> Profiles -> Colors -> Import Theme
  • Profit$$


  • Main file is _vimrc.
  • Bundles files (bundled using NeoBundle) is bundles.vim.
  • Update bundles using NeoBundleUpdate.
  • Custom snippets are in the directory mysnippets and are auto-loaded according to filetype.
"@author Gilad Peleg
"@license MIT 2014

" Note: Skip initialization for vim-tiny or vim-small.
if !1 | finish | endif
" Note: Vim is old
set nocompatible

let g:config =  {
            \ 'baseDir': '~/.dotfiles/vim/rc/',
            \ 'loadFiles': {},
            \ 'bundlesPath': '~/vimfiles/bundle/',
            \ 'spellDir' : '~/.dotfiles/vim/spell/',
            \ 'spellFile' : '~/.dotfiles/vim/spell/en.utf-8.add',
            \ 'undoDir' : '~/.cache/undo/',
            \ 'env' : {
            \   'windows': has('wind16') || has('win32') || has('win64'),
            \   'cygwin': has('win32unix'),
            \   'mac': has('mac'),
            \   'unix': has('unix') && !has('gui_macvim')
            \ }

" map leader keys
let g:mapleader = ","
let g:maplocalleader = ","

set guioptions=Mc
" set guioptions+=a " visual select auto-copy to clipboard

if has('syntax')
    syntax off
    filetype plugin indent off

" How to quickly load the files:
" Mapping     |  File
" ---------------------------
" <leader>eg  |  Gui
" <leader>eb  |  Bundles
" <leader>es  |  Settings
" <leader>em  |  Mappings
" <leader>ea  |  autoCommands
for fileToLoad in ['bundles', 'settings', 'mappings', 'autoCommands']
    " set filename
    let b:filePath = g:config.baseDir . fileToLoad . '.vim'
    " set file object in config
    let g:config.loadFiles[fileToLoad] = b:filePath
    " source script
    silent execute 'source ' . fnameescape(expand(b:filePath))

set secure


  • Uses Zplug alongside customization and completion

Thanks (in no particular order)


MIT © Gilad Peleg