Example use of @nordicsemiconductor/e2e-bdd-test-runner.
npm ci # install dependencies
npx cdk deploy # deploy the stack to your AWS account
npm test # run the tests
Note: AWS CDK follows the AWS SDK way of authenticating. See this guide to learn more.
The Webhook.feature
shows how to use AWS
ApiGateway, Lambda and SQS to set up a real test double for a webhook endpoint.
It allows to test that a component which is supposed to send a webhook is
actually sending it.
You need to create a
developer token
with repo
and admin:repo_hook
permissions for an account that has write
permissions to your repository.
You need to store this token in AWS ParameterStore which is a one-time manual step done through the AWS CLI:
aws ssm put-parameter --name /codebuild/github-token --type String --value <Github Token>
aws ssm put-parameter --name /codebuild/github-username --type String --value <Github Username>
Then set up the continuous deployment:
npx cdk -a 'node dist/aws/cloudformation-cd.js' deploy
see ./adr.