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Elm ports' wrapper for uncomplicated request-response-style communication


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Port message manager that emulate a request-response style communication, a'la Http.send Response request.


Run the example like so:

cd ./example


Navigate to: http:https://localhost:8000/index.html

How it works

port module Example exposing (..)

import Porter
import Html exposing (Html, text)
import Json.Encode as Encode
import Json.Decode as Decode

-- Configure Porter

port outgoing : Encode.Value -> Cmd msg

port incoming : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg

porterConfig : Porter.Config String String Msg
porterConfig =
    { outgoingPort = outgoing
    , incomingPort = incoming

    -- Porter works with a single Request and Response data types. They can both be anything, as long as you supply decoders :)
    , encodeRequest = Encode.string
    , decodeResponse = Decode.string
    -- Porter uses a message added to your Msg type for its internal communications (See `type Msg` below)
    , porterMsg = PorterMsg

-- Application model

type alias Model =
    { porter : Porter.Model String String Msg
    , response : String

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { porter = Porter.init
      , response = ""
      -- Send a request through porter, specifying the response handler directly
      , Porter.send porterConfig Receive (Porter.simpleRequest "Reverse me!")

-- Message includes Porter's message

type Msg
    = PorterMsg (Porter.Msg String String Msg)
    | Receive String

-- Update porter accordingly

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        PorterMsg porterMsg ->
                ( porterModel, porterCmd ) =
                    Porter.update porterConfig porterMsg model.porter
                ( { model | porter = porterModel }, porterCmd )

        Receive response ->
            ( { model | response = response }, Cmd.none )

-- Set up porter's subscriptions

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Porter.subscriptions porterConfig

-- Any view you like

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    text (toString model)


main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
        , view = view

Handling messages in JS

Outgoing messages into JavaScript as JSON, with an id that Porter generates and uses to match up with response handlers.

const app = Elm.Example.fullscreen()
app.ports.outgoing.subscribe(msgWithId => {
  const id =
  const request = msgWithId.msg
  // Reverse response
  const response = request.split("").reverse().join("")
  // Simply include the same `id` and the response under the `msg` key.
    id: id,
    msg: response

Chaining Requests

If you want to perform multiple requests where some of these request depend on responses from other requests, you can use Porter.request in combination with Porter.andThen and Porter.sendRequest.

Porter.simpleRequest ("Reverse me too!")
  |> Porter.andThen (\reversedStr -> Porter.simpleRequest (reversedStr ++ " The Quick Brown Fox!"))
  |> Porter.andThen (\reversedStr -> Porter.simpleRequest (reversedStr ++ " A man a plan a canal: panama"))
  |> Porter.sendRequest porterConfig Receive



  • Merge Porter.Multi into Porter so now there is a single way to send requests.
  • Introduce simpleRequest in addition to request to cover the simple use-case when the response is not converted.
  • Introduce succeed to expose short-circuit functionality.
  • Remove andThenResult - use succeed and work with Result values directly instead.


  • The Porter.Config type now has a porterMsg-field.
  • Signature of Porter.send was changed:
    • It now takes the porterConfig as argument, meaning (in combination with the previous change) that Cmd.mapping the result to your Msg type is no longer necessary because this is handled for you.
    • Requests are now constructed using Porter.request and can be chained using Porter.andThen before passing them off to Porter.send.

So: Where in Version 1 you'd use Porter.send responseHandler request, you'd now use Porter.send porterConfig responseHandler (Porter.request request).


First stable release


Elm ports' wrapper for uncomplicated request-response-style communication








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