Since I began my career as a web developer, I have always regarded myself as a permanent learner and I have always tired to keep me up to date with new technologies and trends. This enterprising work attitude and responsibility have enabled me to handle difficult things not easily but quickly
C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, PHP, GraphQL, SQL, Gremlin
- Frameworks
Angular, Vue, WordPress,, Laravel, Django, Flask, Spring, Redux, Jest, Cypress, Fastify, Express.js, Next.js, MUI, React Native, Flutter
- Libraries/APIs
React, Node.js, REST APIs, D3.js, React-Intl, React, Redux, React DnD, PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Bootstrap5, TailwindCSS, Antd,
- Tools
Javascript Testing, Webpack, Figma, Jira, Amazon, Simple Queue Service (SQS), Terminal, Git, Flow
- Storage
MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL 10.1, Cassandra, SQLite
- Platforms
Zeppelin, Docker, Amazon Web Services, MacOS, Viusal Studio Code, AWS Lambda
- Other
APIs, Web Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Styled-components, User Interface (UI), Responsive Design, Apollo Server, Apollo, Google Cloud Functions, Webhooks
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Solidity, Golang, Rust Hardhat, Truffle Cosmos SDK, Cosmwasm, Solana Cadence, Flow React(Redux, Mobx, Context), Next.js, Blitz.js, Gatsby Vue(Vuex), Quasar, Vuetify, Nuxt.js Angular, RxJs GraphQL, REST API Node.js, Express.js, Koa.js, Nest.js Laravel, Django(DRF), Flask, Ruby on Rails Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server MongoDB, DynamoDB Elastic Search, Nginx, Redis, Memcache 👯 I am looking to collaborate on web applications, decentralized applications, mainly open source projects.