Note: these docs might be outdated. The docToolchain docker image is mainly used together with the docToolchain-wrapper dtcw
as explained in this tutotial:
sources and issue tracker: docker hub:
version will be updated with each release of:
NOTE: Most of the following currently works only for jenkins-ssh-agent
Align this with your personal settings/preferences.
: ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME:="doctoolchain"}
: ${DTC_VERSION:="v2.2.1"}
# Export is not necessary as long as these variables are only used for local shell calls
docker build \
-t ${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}/doctoolchain-jenkins-ssh-agent:${DTC_VERSION} \
--build-arg DTC_VERSION=${DTC_VERSION} \
Note: This is only a smoke test (more elaborated test cases should be provided in the future).
docker run \
--rm \
-v ${PWD}/test:/workspace \
-w /workspace \
${DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}/doctoolchain-jenkins-ssh-agent:${DCT_VERSION} \
doctoolchain . tasks
create a bash script within the root of your project like this one:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ${PWD}:/project doctoolchain/doctoolchain:v2.2.1 \
-c "doctoolchain . $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 -PinputPath=src/main/asciidoc -PmainConfigFile=config/docToolchain.groovy && exit"
As you can see, this command will pull the container, run it, mount your project folder and execute docToolchain.
You can overrride the docToolchain version to use and some parameters like the location of the config file.
With this script, you use docToolchain on your project like this:
./ generateHTML
on windows, the following batch script does the same:
docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash -it -v %cd%:/project doctoolchain/doctoolchain:v2.2.1 -c "doctoolchain . %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 -PinputPath=src/main/asciidoc -PmainConfigFile=config/docToolchain.groovy && exit"
The following list shows all official doctoolchain-docker-images and the typical usecases.
- - Default doctoolchain-docker-image. Contains minimal useable doctoolchain installation. Should be good enough for most usecases.
- -
- -
- - Contains a doctoolchain installation and a pandoc installation. Use this image if the doctoolchain-tasks you need, require pandoc. e.g.
New builds of the image are automatically triggered when (this repository is changed | a new Tag is created). The resulting docker image is then available through the docker hub.
In order to automatically build and push new images via Github Actions the following steps are necessary.
- Activate Github Actions for your repository
- Create secrets for your repository
: Your Docker Hub username (or of your organization), e.g.,doctoolchain
: Caution: Do not store your password here but generate a suitable token (Read/Write should be sufficient).