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  1. 安装Java8

  2. 如果需要处理PDF论文,请安装并运行gorbid。点击查看grobid官方安装说明文档 下载

  3. 下载下面的压缩包,并解压


    提取码: ixj4

  4. 在包含jar包文件夹下打开在控制台,并运行命令:

    java -jar smart_cite-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar



SCC支持的文件格式有: Plosone数据库的XML、TEI格式的XML、符合GORC data format的Json数据






method request type response type parameters reqirement description
post multipart/form-data application/json file required 待处理的文件


curl --location --request POST 'http:https://localhost:8080/extract' --form 'file=@/E:https://FileStorage/File/2020-05/pdf/CO13_1p014.pdf'


code message data 动作
0 成功 JsonObject 显示收到的data
100 文件错误,请上传正确文件 null 提示错误信息
500 服务器错误 null 提示错误信息


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "extract successfully",
    "data": {
        "fileName": "asset_id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000039.XML",
        "refTags": [
                "reference": {
                    "volume": "67",
                    "article_title": "Behavioral study of obedience.",
                    "issue": "null",
                    "fpage": "371",
                    "year": "1963",
                    "id": "pone.0000039-Milgram1",
                    "label": "null",
                    "source": "Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology",
                    "lpage": "378",
                    "authors": [
                            "surName": "Milgram",
                            "givenName": "null"
                "sentence": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "He showed that in a social structure with recognised lines of authority, ordinary people could be relatively easily persuaded to give what seemed to be even lethal electric shocks to another randomly chosen person , ."
                "contextList": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "text": "In an attempt to understand events in which people carry out horrific acts against their fellows Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments in the 1960s at Yale University that directly attempted to investigate whether ordinary people might obey the orders of an authority figure to cause pain to a stranger."
                        "id": 3,
                        "text": "His results are often cited today, for example, recently in helping to explain how people become embroiled in organised prisoner abuse  and even suicide bombings ."
                        "id": 4,
                        "text": "However, his study also ignited a far-reaching debate about the ethics of deception and of putting subjects in a highly distressing situation in the course of research , , and as a result this line of research is no longer amenable to direct experimental studies."
                        "id": 5,
                        "text": "Milgram's paradigm was an experiment that subjects were led to believe was a study of the effects of punishment on learning."
                        "id": 6,
                        "text": "The subjects, referred to as Teachers, were asked to administer electric shocks of increasing voltages to another subject (the Learner) whenever he gave a wrong answer in a word-memory experiment."
                "id": 1,
                "text": "[1]"
                "reference": {
                    "volume": "null",
                    "article_title": "null",
                    "issue": "null",
                    "fpage": "null",
                    "year": "1974",
                    "id": "pone.0000039-Milgram2",
                    "label": "null",
                    "source": "Obedience to Authority:",
                    "lpage": "null",
                    "authors": [
                            "surName": "Milgram",
                            "givenName": "null"
                "sentence": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "text": "He showed that in a social structure with recognised lines of authority, ordinary people could be relatively easily persuaded to give what seemed to be even lethal electric shocks to another randomly chosen person , ."
                "contextList": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "text": "In an attempt to understand events in which people carry out horrific acts against their fellows Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments in the 1960s at Yale University that directly attempted to investigate whether ordinary people might obey the orders of an authority figure to cause pain to a stranger."
                        "id": 3,
                        "text": "His results are often cited today, for example, recently in helping to explain how people become embroiled in organised prisoner abuse  and even suicide bombings ."
                        "id": 4,
                        "text": "However, his study also ignited a far-reaching debate about the ethics of deception and of putting subjects in a highly distressing situation in the course of research , , and as a result this line of research is no longer amenable to direct experimental studies."
                        "id": 5,
                        "text": "Milgram's paradigm was an experiment that subjects were led to believe was a study of the effects of punishment on learning."
                        "id": 6,
                        "text": "The subjects, referred to as Teachers, were asked to administer electric shocks of increasing voltages to another subject (the Learner) whenever he gave a wrong answer in a word-memory experiment."
                "id": 2,
                "text": "[2]"




  1. 目前仅支持上传zip类型的压缩文件
  2. zip中的文件的格式必须是SCC支持的
  3. zip文件大小不可超过10M,request大小不可超过100M。




method request type response type parameters reqirement description
post multipart/form-data application/json file required 待处理的zip文件


curl --location --request POST 'http:https://localhost:8080/batchExtract' --form 'file=@/E:/temp/plos/computer_science/3(done).zip'


code message data 动作
0 成功 JsonArray 显示收到的data
100 文件错误,请上传正确文件 null 提示错误信息
500 服务器错误 null 提示错误信息


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "抽取成功",
    "data": [
            "fileName": "asset_id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0000039.XML",
            "refTags": [
                    "reference": {
                        "volume": "67",
                        "article_title": "Behavioral study of obedience.",
                        "issue": "null",
                        "fpage": "371",
                        "year": "1963",
                        "id": "pone.0000039-Milgram1",
                        "label": "null",
                        "source": "Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology",
                        "lpage": "378",
                        "authors": [
                                "surName": "Milgram",
                                "givenName": "null"
                    "sentence": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "text": "He showed that in a social structure with recognised lines of authority, ordinary people could be relatively easily persuaded to give what seemed to be even lethal electric shocks to another randomly chosen person , ."
                    "contextList": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "text": "In an attempt to understand events in which people carry out horrific acts against their fellows Stanley Milgram carried out a series of experiments in the 1960s at Yale University that directly attempted to investigate whether ordinary people might obey the orders of an authority figure to cause pain to a stranger."
                            "id": 3,
                            "text": "His results are often cited today, for example, recently in helping to explain how people become embroiled in organised prisoner abuse  and even suicide bombings ."
                            "id": 4,
                            "text": "However, his study also ignited a far-reaching debate about the ethics of deception and of putting subjects in a highly distressing situation in the course of research , , and as a result this line of research is no longer amenable to direct experimental studies."
                            "id": 5,
                            "text": "Milgram's paradigm was an experiment that subjects were led to believe was a study of the effects of punishment on learning."
                            "id": 6,
                            "text": "The subjects, referred to as Teachers, were asked to administer electric shocks of increasing voltages to another subject (the Learner) whenever he gave a wrong answer in a word-memory experiment."
                    "id": 1,
                    "text": "[1]"


功能: 抽取文件夹下所有论文的引文上下文


  1. 文件夹必须是在本地服务器上
  2. 文件夹下的文件必须都是SCC支持的格式
  3. 处理的结果存储在与jar包同级目录的output文件夹下
  4. 在没有完成处理前,请不要关停服务




method request type response type parameters reqirement description
get path required 含有待处理文件的文件夹路径


curl --location --request GET 'http:https://localhost:8080/localExtract?path=/home/guochenrui/smart_cite/3000'



功能: 统计结果文件中ICC和ECC的数量




method request type response type parameters reqirement description
get outputFolder unrequired 含有结果的文件夹路径,默认为output文件夹


curl --location --request GET 'http:https://localhost:8080/count/contextNum?outputFolder=E:\code\smart_cite\output\json'


code message data 动作
0 成功 JsonObject 显示收到的data
100 文件错误,请上传正确文件 null 提示错误信息
500 服务器错误 null 提示错误信息


    "code": 0,
    "msg": "extract successfully",
    "data": {
        "ECC": 1605695,
        "ICC": 10215848,
        "FileNum": 33319


mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.leishengwei -DartifactId=jutils -Dversion=0.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=E:\code\smart_cite\lib\JavaUtils.jar


  1. 默认请求端口:8080

  2. 上传文件大小 ≤ 10M

  3. 配置文件位于与jar包同级目录的resource文件夹下。可以根据您的情况修改默认端口等参数。