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Learning Visibility Field for Detailed 3D Human Reconstruction and Relighting (CVPR2023)

Project Page | Paper

This repository is an implementation of paper:

"Learning Visibility Field for Detailed 3D Human Reconstruction and Relighting" by Ruichen Zheng, Peng Li, Haoqian Wang, Tao Yu

WARNING This is a messy research repo with limited code quality. We have only tested it on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04).

We provide synthesized data sample and pretrained model weight, that should run out of the box. Realworld results represented in the paper have code specific to our in-house capturing system, hence could not be included.

If you find our work useful, please consider cite our paper

   author    = {Zheng, Ruichen and Li, Peng and Wang, Haoqian and Yu, Tao},
   title     = {Learning Visibility Field for Detailed 3D Human Reconstruction and Relighting},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   month     = {June},
   year      = {2023},
   pages     = {216-226}

Clone this repo

git clone --recursive -b release --depth=1

If you forgot --recursive, call

git submodule update --init --recursive

to clone pybind11

Setup minimal environment

  1. Create conda environment

    conda create --name vis-fuse -y python=3.10
    conda activate vis-fuse
  2. Install pytorch. Snippet below is an example, please following official instructions

    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
  3. Install common python packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install Libigl

    python -m pip install libigl
  5. Install our custom CPP lib (requires CUDA)

    cd vis_fuse_utils
    python install
  6. (Optional) Additional dependencies

    Not needed to run the demo

    • gifski: Generate gif from sequences of renderings
    • cmgen: Generate Spherical Harmonics from HDRi image

Run demo

  1. Download data and pretrained model weight from release page, unzip. Move sample_data_thuman to desired location (following instructions refer it as /path/to/sample_data_thuman). Move out to project root folder
  2. Download env_sh.npy for PIFu repo and place it under implicit
  3. Render views (RGB-D)
    python --data_folder /path/to/sample_data_thuman
  4. Reconstruct and save results to out/vis_fuse/test/4/#
    python --config configs/vis_fuse.json --save --test --data_folder /path/to/sample_data_thuman
  5. Visualize using interactive viewer
    python  --window glfw

Training tips

  1. Request THuman2.0, download and train-val-test split
  2. Generate random poses for each model and save as cams.mat in each subfolder and render views (or use other format for your liking)
    python --data_folder /path/to/training_dataset

    We do not include code to generate random poses

  3. Generate occlusion samples
    python --data_folder /path/to/training_dataset
  4. Visualize and verify training data
    python --data_folder ~/dataset/training_dataset
  5. Refer to to write config (i.e. my_config.json) and save it to configs
  6. Train
    python --config configs/my_config.json