Brand new way of manipulating data, encryption, and listen...
- A new Util class that abstracts away tons of fancy features, including:
- CRUD operations
- Support of targeting and finding entries by numbers, just like from terminal
- Executing scripts (with the ability to pass typed parameters ala SQL prepared statements)
- Putting and getting files out of RouterOS
- Helper methods for converting back and forth between PHP and RouterOS values.
- Support for encrypted connections, both with and without a certificate. Note that due to known issues with PHP itself, encrypted connections may be unstable (as in "sometimes disconnect suddenly" or "sometimes hang when you use Client::sendSync() and/or Client::completeRequest() and/or Client::loop() without a timeout").
- Client::loop() and Client::completeRequest() no longer fail if there's no reply within "default_socket_timeout" seconds. This means you can now use the "listen" command without also setting up something else to keep the connection busy.
- Client::loop() now accepts timeouts modeled after stream_select()'s, as opposed to a single float value. As before, the default is "no time limit", but is now specified with NULL instead of 0. Analogous arguments have been added to Response's constructor.
- When receiving, the release lock is released when ANY exception is thrown. Previously, this would be so only in case of SocketException.
- Chnaged the PHAR stub to not fail when reading the hash fails.
- Exceptions now use constants to hold each code.
- Doc and CS fixes, and unit test reorganization.