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1 Getting started with docker images

You can start by copying into your computer an image:

docker pull image-name

Now you should see that image into the list of your local images:

docker images

If you want you can erase it, but you will have to pull it agaiin next time you will need it:

docker rmi [image-name]

2 Build an image from a Dockerfile

Let's build the image:

docker build -t pdincau/workshop_java_8 .

Now we can run a command inside the newly created image:

docker run -it workshop_java_8 /bin/sh

But what happens when you exit from the terminal? The container is gone and you don't see it anymore. Let's try with:

docker ps -a

Let's know try:

docker run -it workshop_java_8 java -version

Let's build images for our services

Move inside the project name_day_greeter:

Build the docker image as:

docker build -t pdincau/name_day_greeter:latest --rm=true .

When we run our container we need to expose our port:

docker run -it -p 81:8080 pdincau/name_day_greeter

We can check whether the image exists:

docker images

Let's see the history of this image:

docker history [container id]

Let's run it in detached mode:

docker run -d -p 81:8080 pdincau/pdincau/name_day_greeter

Let's see what happens in this container by checking the logs or by entering it:

docker logs -f [container id]
docker exec -it [container id] /bin/sh

Now let's stop it:

docker stop [container id]

Now let's build employee_admin:

docker build -t pdincau/employee_admin:latest

Let's now run it by with the needed environment variables:

docker run -it -e URL=http: -p 80:8080 pdincau/employee_admin

Push to the docker registry

First of all you should login:

docker login

And now let's push the image:

docker push [image name]


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