Spindle is a efficient memory access monitoring framework. Unlike methods delaying all checks to runtime or performing task-specific optimization at compile time, Spindle performs common static analysis to identify predictable memory access patterns into a compact program structure summary. Custom memory monitoring tools can then be developed on top of Spindle, leveraging the structural information extracted to dramatically reduce the amount of instrumentation that incurs heavy runtime memory address examination or recording.
LLVM 6.0.0
cd Spindle/
LLVM_DIR="path/to/llvm/lib/cmake/llvm" cmake .
# LLVM_DIR should contains the file named “LLVMConfig.cmake” or “llvm-config.cmake”
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang mypass.so main.c -c -O2
cd test/
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang ../Spindle/Spindle/libSpindlePass.so -O2 -c testloop.c -o testloop.o
clang -O2 testloop.o ../lib/sdetector_lib.c -o testloop
Now Spindle is still under updating: divide the Spindle common static to different modules so that the logic can be more clear; re-implement S-Tracer with the latest version of LLVM (previous version of S-Tracer is based on LLVM 3.5); optimize S-Detector for more efficient memory bug checking, including using better algorithm for static analysis and implementing a faster runtime library.