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RT2000 > RT2008 > RT2020

RT2000,又叫 Retail 2000,係 Synergy 用 VisualBasic + Access MDB 開發嘅,後期升級為 VisualBasic + MS SQL。至於佢嘅第 0 號(少年 RT2000)係用 DataFlex 開發嘅,我唔記得當時有冇俾過個 product 名佢? 既然 DataFlex 係咩都冇人知,大家當佢一出就叫 RT2000 啦,唔使理少年 RT2000!

RT2008 係全面升級為 Visual WebGUI Framework + C# + MS SQL,即係 Web App + Windows App。

RT2020 就再變身為 Open Source,目標係:developed on C#,run on Linux。目前已經可以 run on Linux,不過就要首先解決 reporting 同 OLAP 先算全面 run on Linux。

RT2020 Logo

Development Environment

  1. .Net Framework 4.5.2
  2. Visual Studio 2015
  3. C#
  4. Visual WebGUI 10.0.5b
  5. DevExpress 15.2( 用咗佢嘅 Reporting﹑PivotGrid,如果要再開發就要自己買 license,我希望最終可以取代佢 )

3rd Party Libraries (一次過寫唔哂,慢慢補充)

  1. nxStudio Custom Controls
  2. log4net
  3. ClosedXML
  4. FileHelpers

Locale Info

Refer: CultureInfo.Name Property

The culture name in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2, if the current CultureInfo is culture-dependent; or an empty string, if it's an invariant culture. languagecode2 is a lowercase two-letter code derived from ISO 639-1. country/regioncode2 is derived from ISO 3166 and usually consists of two uppercase letters, or a BCP-47 language tag.

languagecode2-country = ISO 639-1

regioncode2 = BCP-47 language tag region = ISO 3166-1 Alpha2

喺 RT2020:

  1. Default (我喺 Westwind 用 invariant 代替)= en (English)
  2. Alt-1 = zh-CN 簡體:中文(中国)NativeName
  3. Alt-2 = zh-HK 繁體:中文(香港特別行政區)NativeName

——— *** ———


  1. RT2020 Settings > System > Translation 內 General.logon 有幾多種 locale,Theme Language Switcher 就可以有幾多種選擇。

  2. RT2020 大部分 records 都支持 3 種文字 (D+2:default + alt1 + alt2),default 係英文,你可以隨意選用 alt1/ alt2(D+0 or D+1 or D+2),development 係用 alt1 = 繁體中文(香港),alt2 = 簡體中文

  1. Translation 係用 Westwind.Globalization
  2. Microsoft ReportViewer Related Error

2021.08.01 paulus: 今日打開 RT2020,debug 出現:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

要去下載安裝 ReportViewer 2015 Rintime ,奇怪?因為之前都冇事嘅。仲有啲其他嘢要跟進:

4.1 Controls.Reporting.Viewer.resx

4.2 安裝 Report Designer for VS 2015

IIS 也要安裝,可能要加裝 System CLR Types

4.3 Upgrade rdlc 檔案

RT2020.V22 出發點

目前 Visual Studio 已經係 version 2022,我就諗:係咪可以用 VS2022 嚟做 editor 呢?如果得嘅話就會方便好多。於是就有幾隻 projects 係有 .V22 出現,有 .V22 就係 VS2022 Solution 專用。隻 project 係用 linked files 形式同 冇 .V22 嘅 projects 連埋一體,不過由於不同原因,會有部份檔案會獨立出現。


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