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Mantine fork to support UnoCSS


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Raikou is a mantine fork which replaces css modules to adopt a unocss first-use approach.

Push the envelope, watch it bend.

About The Project

Mantine 6 with CSS-in-JS allowed for styles to be adjacent to the component it was styling. However with Mantine 7 styling has switched to CSS Modules. Many in the industry see CSS Modules as a step backwards and I (the fork author) share this sentiment. Therefore forking the project to integrate unocss was the obvious choice.

The project was conceived with these 4 long-term goals:

  1. To make as many components server aware.
  2. To ensure proper tree-shaking for components and purging of unused css.
  3. To ensure that there were no clashes between the bootstrapped CSS of the component and unocss styles provided, when using the ClassNames API.
  4. To reduce the amount of data sent over each full request:
    • By leveraging the new server paradigm. All the layout components would be server based, giving an opportunity to reduce client payload when used correctly. Therefore all layout components are server based and leaf components being a mixture of both server and client.
    • Using a css purging strategy. Loading CSS for only the components in use.

Project Caveats

  1. Remix, Svelte, Solid, Astro, Qwik and any other javascript frameworks are not supported. There are no intentions of supporting anything other than NextJS.

  2. There may be design decisions implemented that will diverge from Mantine.

    • Styles API layer has been removed because it has been superseded by the Classes API and Styles API is very slow.
    • Mantine and Raikou employ different approaches to manage the theme. While Mantine uses context and can be a runtime process for overrides. Raikou utilizes a global state for both server and client rendering and overrides are done via the unocss configuration.
    • The code responsible for the ColorScheme has been replaced with a more lightweight version using Next Themes.
    • When customising a theme, some functionality is encapsulated in a string so that the theme can be passed from a server component to a client component.
    • Some components have had their javascript removed to make them server components primarily.
    • Mantine's color system:
      • 10 shades has been replaced with UnoCSS own colors and 11 shades.
      • The UnoCSS colors can be overriden with the original Mantine color set.
      • The light/dark and other aspects of a component can be overriden. Refer to the component css modules file with what css variables have been exposed.
      • As part of the postcss process. Raikou will load the complete "mantine" styles and purge any unused styling. For example, if only the component is being used. Only the styling will be present in the stylesheet.

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Why not integrate unocss with mantine in the App?

Integrating Unocss with mantine at the app layer raises the complexity of the stack, also other issues are present.

CSS Modules is the wrong choice

Less headaches in dealing with postcss from a developer UX point of view.


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Built With


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Mirrored Mantine release

Latest release = 7.10.1

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Installation to a NextJS 14 application

  1. Install the required packages. Same as Mantine.
  • npm
npm install @raikou/client @raikou/hooks @raikou/server @raikou/system @raikou/global-store @raikou/webpack postcss-unocss-raikou postcss-purgecss-raikou postcss-import
  • yarn
yarn add @raikou/client @raikou/hooks @raikou/server @raikou/system @raikou/global-store @raikou/webpack postcss-preset-raikou postcss-unocss-raikou postcss-purgecss-raikou postcss-import
  1. Change the postcss.config.js to:
module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "postcss-import": {},
    "postcss-preset-raikou": {},
    "postcss-unocss-raikou": {},
    "postcss-purgecss-raikou": {
      componentNames: "./node_modules/@raikou/system/dist/component_names.txt",
      cssModules: "./node_modules/@raikou/system/dist/css_modules.txt",
      styles: "./node_modules/@raikou/system/dist/styles.css",


  • postcss-import is needed otherwise @layer doesn't work with NextJS.
  • postcss-preset-raikou is needed in case any external css modules are used in the application and raikou functionality will be executed for css modules.
  • postcss-unocss-raikou is needed as this deploys unocss for raikou.
  • postcss-purgecss-raikou is needed as this purges unused css and completed the process.

Pro-tip: Leave the app build process to minify the final css.

  1. Extend next.config.ts for the variant group transformer:
const UnoCSS = require("@raikou/webpack").default;

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,

  webpack(config, context) {
    config.plugins.push(new UnoCSS());

    if (context.buildId !== "development") {
      // * disable filesystem cache for build
      // *
      // *
      config.cache = false;

    return config;

module.exports = nextConfig;
  1. Create unocss.config.ts:
import { defineConfig } from "unocss";
import presetAttributify from "@unocss/preset-attributify";
import presetWind from "@unocss/preset-wind";
import transformerVariantGroup from "@unocss/transformer-variant-group";
const presetRaikou = require("@raikou/system/plugin.js").default;
import { UnoCSSRaikouTheme } from "@raikou/theme";

export interface RaikouConfig extends UserConfig {
  raikouTheme?: UnoCSSRaikouTheme;

export default defineConfig({
  content: {
    filesystem: ["app/**/*.tsx"],
  presets: [
      dark: "media",
      prefix: "un-",
  transformers: [transformerVariantGroup()],
} as RaikouConfig);

Change app/**/*.tsx to the root of the app folder.

Note: ensure presetWind has the dark attribute set to media. Otherwise unocss styles will not activate for dark theme when setting dark:bg-blue-500.

Note: the prefix for attributify has been added, in order to not clash with mantines own styles and only works for the root level and not classNames.

  1. Create global.css with the following:
@layer raikou, default;

@layer default {

@layer raikou {
  1. Amend layout.tsx to resemble the following. RaikouProvider must encapsulate the children. It should resemble something like the following:
import { RaikouProvider } from '@raikou/system';
import { createTheme, setState } from "@raikou/global-store";
import "./global.css";
import config from "../unocss.config";

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
   children: React.ReactNode
}) {
  const theme = createTheme(config);

  // set server state
    theme: theme,

  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <body className={inter.className}>
        <RaikouProvider theme={theme}>{children}</RaikouProvider>
  1. Raikou has removed the theme overrides from runtime. The theme is now part of UnoCss own configuration file. Simply add new "mantine" theme params to the defineConfig object under the param raikouTheme.
export default defineConfig({
  raikouTheme: {
    primaryColor: "sky",
} as RaikouConfig);


RaikouTheme now includes two new string array params to control which colors are created in the global stylesheet. IncludeColors allows for only these colors to be created. excludeColors allows for all the colors except these to be created. Ignore these two params if all colors are to be present in the stylesheet.

Raikou supports the original mantine colors in 10 shades but unocss colors as well. All Raikou colors have 11 values.

  1. Mantine Colors can override the supplied unocss colors. Extend the config as below:
import { MantineColors } from "@raikou/theme";

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    colors: MantineColors,
}) as any;

Colors can also be overridden on a singular basis:

import { generateColors } from "@raikou/colors-generator";

export default defineConfig({
  theme: {
    colors: {
      blue: generateColors("#5474B4"),
}) as any;
  1. The theme components api has changed from the original documentation:
export default defineConfig({
  raikouTheme: {
    components: {
      Button: {
          vars: `
          if (props.size === "xxl") {
            return {
                root: {
                "--button-height": rem(60),
                "--button-padding-x": rem(30),
                "--button-fz": rem(30),

          return { root: {} };
} as RaikouConfig);
  1. To override css variables, create a cssVariablesResolver object in the Raikou theme and encapsulate it with JSON.stringify:

Note: when referencing the theme use dot notation as in the example.

import { rem } from "@raikou/theme";

export default defineConfig({
  raikouTheme: {
    other: {
      deepOrangeLight: "#E17900",
      deepOrangeDark: "#FC8C0C",
    cssVariablesResolver: JSON.stringify({
      variables: {
        "--raikou-hero-height": rem(20),
        "--raikou-hero-width": rem(20),
      light: {
        "--raikou-color-deep-orange": "theme.other.deepOrangeLight",
        ".button-root": {
          "--raikou-button-disabled-bg": "#E17900",
      dark: {
        "--raikou-color-deep-orange": "theme.other.deepOrangeDark",
        ".button-root": {
          "--raikou-button-disabled-bg": "#FC8C0C",
} as RaikouConfig);

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  1. The classNames API has been updated to support attributify.

A key can either be a string if the styles are terse, or broken up into attributes.

    root: "bg-red-500",
    label: {
      bg: "blue-500",
      text: "gray-300",
      m: "[20px]",
      p: "[80px]",
  This is a badge

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  1. Any mantine css variable that requires any color can be overriden by a unocss color. The only stipulation is that the unocss color must be enclosed in var brackets. Finally, a css variable like --badge-bg or background or color can only be used.

Note: this dynamically adds the color equivilent to the css for both css variables color-violet-800 and color-red-300.

    "--chip-bg": "var(--color-violet-800)",
    color: "var(--color-red-300)",

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Cloning the repo

  1. Run the following command
git clone
  1. Install all the package prerequisites
pnpm i
  1. To run the nextjs website
pnpm run dev
  1. To run storybook
pnpm run storybook

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Server Components

There are 41 server components available without the need for "use client" in either the component library entry point nor in the page itself. They are: action-icon, alert, anchor, *app-shell, aspect-ratio, background-image, badge, blockquote, box, breadcrumbs, button, card, center, close-button, code, color-swatch, container, divider, fieldset, flex, grid, group, highlight, *image, indicator, kbd, list, loader, mark, paper, skeleton, simple-grid, space, stack, *table, text, timeline, title, unstyled-button, visually-hidden.

Changes to components

The following components have been altered from the original mantine spec:

  1. App Shell

Used javascript for prettier resizing of the components. This has been removed.

  1. Image

Used javascript to replace the image with a fallback, should the source fail to load. As this is a server component. If the fallback prop is used, the server does a request to see if the source exists. If it does not then the fallback is shown. Ensure the fallback is an image you know is dependable.

Should the component be marked as a client component, it is currently out of scope to determine whether the image has failed to load on the client. At a future date this maybe resolved.

  1. Table

Used javascript for allowing the body to be scrollable. In future, will look how to inject back this functionality should the table be a client component.

Server component usage

To use a server component do the following:

import { Badge } from "@raikou/server";

return <Badge>Hello</Badge>;

No client payload will be sent to the server. However to use as a client component, just include "use client"

"use client";
import { Badge } from "@raikou/server";

return <Badge>Hello</Badge>;

And the page will include all the neccessary client payload for the Badge and the page.

Client/Server Components - Mantine vs Raikou

Using the default NextJS 14 install. Here is an example of just 1 component.

Raikou client vs Mantine when built. Only the badge is loaded and with Mantine only global css + badge css is loaded to make it fair.

  • Raikou client: 174kB transferred, 410kB resources
  • Mantine: 204kB transferred, 456kB resources

Note: Stats are created via pnpm build and pnpm start.

Network tabs (Mantine vs Raikou)

Raikou Client Network Tab Mantine Network Tab

Raikou server vs client

When omitting "use client" this results in Page.js not being requested.

Raikou Network Tab

  • Raikou server: 166kB transferred, 385kB resources

Note: Stats are created via pnpm build and pnpm start.

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  • Enable react server components and split packages to server and client
  • Tree-shaking for client build
  • Replace the context provider that components use for state
  • Match or significantly improve the amount of data that is sent on each full request
  • Create a postcss script to purge unused CSS
  • Replace Mantine ColorScheme code with Next-Themes
  • Create a theme switcher similar to Daisy UI. See the /themer endpoint.
  • Fix the Storybook demos to work under version 7

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At this time, no contributions are sought. Thank you.

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Paul M - no social - no email

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Mantine fork to support UnoCSS







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