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##Raison d'etre

SDLSumo is a single file ffi binding to Luajit 2.0.x for SDL-1.2.15, SDL_Image-1.2.12, SDL_Mixer-1.2.12 and SDL_TTF-2.0.11. SDL_TTF is wrapped in a very similar API called STT (Sumo TrueType) that avoids the rabbit hole complexity of the Freetype headers.

SDLSumo solves Luajit's limitation in that files containing ffi.cdef declarations may not be required more than once (otherwise redefinition errors occur). By keeping things to a single file, all dependencies are included in one shot.

##Requirements Luajit 2.0.x SDL-1.2.15 gcc and make to build the libstt library

Optional (even though this is the whole point of SDLSumo - to be able to use all the SDL libraries you want from Luajit):

SDL_ttf-2.0.x SDL_mixer-1.2.15 SDL_image-1.2.12


The SDLSumo module returns a table of Luajit references to dynamic libraries indexed by name. If the library could not be loaded, the table entry will be nil. SDL itself is required obviously but no other combination of the others is required. I chose the combination of these four because it seems to be the most common and the most useful.

local ffi = require 'ffi'
package.path = "../lua/?.lua;" .. package.path

local sumo = require 'sdlsumo'

if sumo['sdl'] then
    print ("Loaded SDL")

if sumo['stt'] then
    print ("Loaded STT")

if sumo['image'] then
    print ("Loaded SDL_image")

if sumo['mixer'] then
    print ("Loaded SDL_mixer")

local sdl=sumo['sdl']
local stt=sumo['stt']
local image=sumo['image']

local screen = sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(1280,720,32,sdl.SDL_SWSURFACE)

local bg = image.IMG_Load("image.png")
sdl.SDL_UpperBlit(bg, nil, screen, nil)

local font = stt.STT_OpenFont("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf",48)

local color ="SDL_Color")
color.r = 0xFF
color.g = 0xFF
color.b = 0xFF

local text = stt.STT_RenderText_Blended(font, "Welcome to sdlsumo!", color)

sdl.SDL_UpperBlit(text, nil, screen, nil)


local event ="SDL_Event")

while event.type ~= sdl.SDL_QUIT do

  if sdl.SDL_PollEvent(event) > 0 then
      local sym, mod = event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.keysym.mod
      if event.type == sdl.SDL_KEYUP then
         if sym == sdl.SDLK_ESCAPE then
            event.type = sdl.SDL_QUIT
            sdl.SDL_PushEvent( event )


##Sumo TrueType STT's API is identical to SDL_ttf. You should be able to find and replace TTF_ with STT_ and have it work identically as long as you access all of the font functionality in your existing code through the API and don't mess with the structure members directly. I tried including the original SDL_ttf API directly into SDLSumo but found it impossible: the TTF_Font structure includes members of Freetype2 types which themselves include members of other types each of which include more types, seemingly ad infinitum. After something like eight levels of increasing inclusion and indirection in the ffi.cdef statement, I gave up. Maybe one day I'll try again.

Instead, an STT_Font is a simple structure containing an integer handle that indexes a back end array of TTF_Fonts. Creating a font merely finds the next available free handle, allocates a TTF_Font and passes any subsequent calls to the TTF_ code behind the scenes transparently.

STT_fonts are NOT garbage collected - you must free them explicitly with STT_CloseFont and unfortunately the Luajit call"STT_Font") is useless. Create a new font with STT_OpenFont or its variants.

I hope that this is a small price to pay for having convenient working Truetype fonts in your Luajit + SDL code.


cd libstt
# Adjust the Makefile as necessary
sudo make install
cd ../lua
cp sdlsumo.lua /your/lua5.1/module/path


STT is unfinished - only opening and rendering blended fonts are supported at the moment. SDL_Mixer is untested. I'm on it.

I'm a beginner at Lua - there could well be hacks and bad practices. Let me know please.


Dimiter "malkia" Stanev for UFO - a superb all-singing, all-dancing Luajit ffi library. Check it out at http: SDLSumo's SDL bindings benefited greatly from looking at this code.

Steve Donovan, author of the Penlight Lua libraries (http: He's a great Lua programmer and he lives in my town. What are the odds? (SDLSumo does NOT depend on Penlight - I just continue to learn lots from reading it and using it in my other projects)

Mike Pall for Luajit, my new favourite language.


All SDL code that I've used from the headers is under the LGPL 2.0 so SDLSumo is too. It's very friendly - feel free to use this in libre, open source or closed source software - but if you distribute this library, then any changes (only changes mind) MUST be made available to your recipients and myself in human readable source form. The LGPL is reproduced in this directory. Read it and understand it please.


Luajit bindings for SDL, SDL_TTF, SDL_Image and SDL_Mixer







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