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Messenger Cache Bundle is a package for the Symfony Messenger component that enables creating, invalidating, and refreshing cache using attributes. This allows for faster and more efficient processing of asynchronous tasks.


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Messenger Cache Bundle


  • PHP 8.0 - PHP 8.2
  • Symfony 5.4 - Symfony 6.2


composer require pbaszak/symfony-messenger-cache-bundle

In the config/bundles.php file:


return [
    // ...
    PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\MessengerCacheBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Quick start

Step 0

After installing the package, first make sure that you have defined default_bus in the config/packages/messenger.yaml file. If you don't have it, Symfony will either return an error or not, which is also a problem if not all MessageBusInterface $messageBus injections in your application are to be decorated by MessageBusCacheDecorator. In most cases, it should look like this:

        default_bus: messenger.bus.default

Note that there is no declaration of cachedMessage.bus here, it has already been declared by this bundle and you can use it by changing the constructor argument name from MessageBusInterface $messageBus to MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus.

Step 1

During the first compilation of Symfony, an error may occur stating that you have not defined a default cache pool, which you can define in the messenger_cache.pools or framework.cache.pools array. This array is responsible for the list of cache adapters that the MessengerCacheManager will handle. To declare it correctly, start by visiting the config/packages/cache.yaml file, where you will find the definitions of cache pools. The default pool is named app in the case of definitions in framework.cache.pools or default in the case of alias definitions in messenger_cache.pools. Below is an example file from config/packages/cache.yaml:

            app: # By default, the pool used by the bundle is the one named `app`.
                adapter: cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware
                tags: true
                adapter: cache.adapter.array
                tags: true
                adapter: cache.adapter.filesystem

There is no obligation to use tag supporting adapters if you will not use cache invalidation. However, even then I recommend using adapters that support caching. You do not have the file config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml in your project and you do not need it as part of a "quick start". But below in this readme file you will find information on what such a file should look like and what configuration options it has.

Step 2

Modify your Message class, the response of which you want to cache, according to the example below. Note that I have chosen a more complex example to show you how to associate cache with a user in such a way that it will be possible to invalidate this cache, which I think will be the most common use case:

# src/Application/User/Query/GetUserConfig.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Cache; # required attribute
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Optional\DynamicTags; # optional interface
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\Cacheable; # required interface

#[Cache(ttl: 3600)]
class GetUserConfig implements Cacheable, DynamicTags
    public function __construct(public readonly string $userId) {}

    public function getDynamicTags(): array
        return ['user_' . $this->userId];

Step 3

Modify the constructor of the class where you execute $this->messageBus->dispatch(new GetUserConfig($userId)) or $this->handle(new GetUserConfig($userId)).

Before modification:

class UserConfigController extends AbstractController
    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $messageBus) {}

After modification:

class UserConfigController extends AbstractController
    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus) {}

Now, if you call GetUserConfig() in the UserConfigController class, the response will be cached in the default cache pool.

Extra Step (invalidation)

# src/Application/User/Command/UpdateUserConfig.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Invalidate; # required attribute
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Optional\DynamicTags; # optional interface
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\CacheInvalidation; # required interface

class UpdatetUserConfig implements CacheInvalidation, DynamicTags
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $usesId,
        public readonly array $config,
    ) {}

    public function getDynamicTags(): array
        return ['user_' . $this->userId];

As you can see, the getDynamicTags method has not changed, which is why I strongly recommend placing this method in Traits.

Extra step (removing user context, e.g. in case of cache for user group)

# src/Application/User/Query/GetUserConfig.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Cache; # required attribute
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Optional\HashableInstance; # optional interface
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\Cacheable; # required interface

#[Cache(refreshAfter: 3600)] # The "refreshAfter" will cause that after an hour, on the next cache call, it will be asynchronously refreshed and the old cache will be returned.
class GetCompanyConfig implements Cacheable, HashableInstance
    public function __construct(
        public readonly ?User $user,
        public readonly string $companyId,
    ) {}

    public function getHashableInstance(): Cacheable
        return new self(null, $this->companyId); # The original Message will still be processed, but it will be used to create a unique hash. Therefore, if we didn't remove the user context, the cache would only be available to them, not the entire company.

What if I can't delete user context, for example because I don't want to write new self() with 20 constructor arguments? I have an alternative solution for you!

# src/Application/User/Query/GetUserConfig.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Cache; # required attribute
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Optional\UniqueHash; # optional interface
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\Cacheable; # required interface

#[Cache(refreshAfter: 3600)]
class GetCompanyConfig implements Cacheable, UniqueHash
    public function __construct(
        public readonly ?User $user,
        public readonly string $companyId,
    ) {}

    public function getUniqueHash(): string
        return 'company_' . $this->companyId;

Will that be enough? Won't the cache interfere with the cache of another Message that has the same UniqueHash?
No, it won't. The cache key also includes a hash generated from the full class name of the Message.

That's all for the quick start. You are ready to deploy a high-performance cache in your application, with a simple implementation that allows for the creation of truly advanced caching and cache invalidation systems, as that's precisely what this package was created for.


Create or copy file messenger_cache.yaml:

# copy
cp vendor/pbaszak/messenger-cache-bundle/config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml
# or
# create
touch config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml
# config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml
    # If You use RefreshAsync (it's message) / refreshAfter (in Cache attribute argument) then
    # you must have declared time of live info that refresh was triggered. It's deleted
    # after succesful refresh. To short value may trigger more than one refresh action for 
    # specific item. Recommended is 10 minutes.
    refresh_triggered_ttl: 600
    # If You need handle cache events like hit, miss, refresh and stamps are not enough for
    # You then change this option to `true`. It add additional events to cache, but it costs performance
    use_events: true
    # aliases for pools to use them in cache attribute and cache invalidation attribute
    # aliases are required and `default` alias is required.
        default: filesystem
        runtime: runtime
        redis: redis
    # this is default value and You don't need to add it, but if You want decorates different buses
    # you can declare them all here.
        - cachedMessage.bus
    # message bus decorators whic You want add. The main cache decorator has 
    # priority 0 if higher it will be closer to main message bus.
        '-1': PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Tests\Helper\Domain\Decorator\LoggingMessageBusDecorator # this one decorator was only for tests. If You want logging decorator You have to make it, but before You start check `use_events`, maybe it will be better option to logging or metrics or anything You want like adding cache result header in response. Just make Your own EventListener ;).

Configuration description:

Parameter Description Values
refresh_triggered_ttl The amount of time for which information about triggering asynchronous cache content refresh is stored. During this time, another refresh action for this specific cache will not be added to the queue. 600 seconds, which is the recommended value for most cases.
use_events true / false, where false is the recommended value. true will add a message bus decorator based on stamps returned by MessengerCacheManager and MessageBusCacheDecorator (StampInterface from Symfony/Messenger package). false - by default,
true - if you create an EventListener for the cache.
pools A list of pools supported by MessengerCacheBundle. Only default is mandatory, and it will be chosen if you do not specify another pool in the Cache attribute. Using aliases is mandatory. Adapters must be services, i.e., you may need to define them in the cache.yaml file. An example is provided below the table. default: redis
runtime: runtime
etc. in the form of $alias: $pool.
decorated_message_buses Cache is not automatically assigned to all message buses in your project. Here you can specify which ones, from the list in the config/packages/messenger.yaml file, should support the cache. The default value is cachedMessage.bus, which means that naming your constructor argument MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus is enough to apply the cache. - cachedMessage.bus
- messenger.bus.default
etc., in the form of $bus as an array element.
message_bus_decorators A list of decorators assigned to all message buses listed in the decorated_message_buses section. By default, only MessageBusCacheDecorator with a priority equal to 0 is present here. However, if you set the use_events option to true, the MessageBusCacheDecorator will receive a priority of 1, and before it, with a priority of 0, the MessageBusCacheEventsDecorator will be set. As you probably already understand, the lower the priority value, the faster the selected decorator will handle the message, and the one with the highest priority will communicate directly with MessageBusInterface. However, note that priorities higher than that assigned to MessageBusCacheDecorator should not handle communication with MessengerCacheManager but only handle any other process you want to apply before the final MessageBusInterface. Normally, other decorators from different libraries will appear before all other decorators resulting from this list. "-1": \App\MessageBus\Decorator\MyAwesomeDecorator
As you can see, the convention allows negative priority values, and we recommend using them here. Rule: `"$priority": $decorator

Example declaration of pools as services:

# config/cache.yaml
        default_redis_provider: 'redis:https://redis:6379'
                adapter: cache.adapter.array
                tags: true
                adapter: cache.adapter.filesystem
                adapter: cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware
                tags: true

NOTE: Your code may (and probably will) look a bit different.

There are two more commands:

  • PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Message\InvalidateAsync,
  • PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Message\RefreshAsync,

You need to add them to asynchronous processing yourself. If you don't do this, they will be executed synchronously, which will affect the performance of your application when retrieving data from cache.


Example no 1 (Cache)

An example class handled by Symfony Messenger as a Message, which has its own Handler that always returns a random string.

# src/Application/Query/GetRandomString.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Cache;
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\Cacheable;

class GetRandomString implements Cacheable

Any Manager that invokes the Message we are interested in and returns its response:

# src/Domain/Manager/StringsManager.php
use App\Application\Query\GetRandomString;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\HandleTrait;

class StringsManager
    use HandleTrait;

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus)
        $this->messageBus = $cachedMessageBus;

    public function getAlwaysSameRandomString(): string
        return $this->handle(
            new GetRandomString()

$stringsManager = new StringsManager();
$result0 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();
$result1 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();

var_dump($result0 === $result1); // true

Example no 2 (CacheInvalidation)

# src/Application/Query/GetRandomString.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\Cache;
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\Cacheable;

#[Cache(tags: ['string_tag'])]
class GetRandomString implements Cacheable
# src/Application/Command/DoSth.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Attribute\CacheInvalidation;
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Contract\Required\CacheInvalidation;

class DoSth implements CacheInvalidation
# src/Domain/Manager/StringsManager.php
use App\Application\Command\DoSth;
use App\Application\Query\GetRandomString;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\HandleTrait;

class StringsManager
    use HandleTrait;

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus)
        $this->messageBus = $cachedMessageBus;

    public function getAlwaysSameRandomString(): string
        return $this->handle(
            new GetRandomString()

    public function doSth(): void
            new DoSth()

$stringsManager = new StringsManager();
$result0 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();
$result1 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();

var_dump($result0 === $result1); // false

Example no 3 (ForceCacheRefreshStamp)

Adding a decorator:

# config/packages/messenger_cache.yaml
    "-1": App\Infrastructure\Symfony\Messenger\MessageBusDecorator

Decorator example implementation:

# src/Infrastructure/Symfony/Messenger/MessageBusDecorator.php
use PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Stamps\ForceCacheRefreshStamp;

class MessageBusDecorator implements MessageBusInterface
    private Request $request;
    private static array $cacheRefreshedMessages;

    public function __construct(
        private MessageBusInterface $decorated,
        RequestStack $requestStack,
    ) {
        $this->request = $requestStack->getMainRequest();
        $this->forceCacheRefresh = $requestStack->getMainRequest()->query->has('forceCacheRefresh');

    /** @param StampInterface[] $stamps */
    public function dispatch(object $message, array $stamps = []): Envelope
        if (!in_array($message, self::$cacheRefreshedMessages) && $this->request->query->has('forceCacheRefresh')) {
            $stamps = array_merge($stamps, [new ForceCacheRefreshStamp()]);
            self::$cacheRefreshedMessages = $message;

        return $this->decorated->dispatch($message, $stamps);

This parameter passed in the request will cause synchronous refresh of all caches within the request.

curl --location --request GET 'https://localhost/strings/random?forceCacheRefresh'

For more precise solutions, I recommend creating your own methodology for deciding which cache to refresh and not recommending refreshing all possible caches within a single request. Personally, I use a conditional function if ((new ReflectionClass($message))->getShortName() === $this->request->query->get('forceCacheRefresh')) { // add ForceCacheRefreshStamp }. Then an example parameter could look like this: ?forceCacheRefresh=GetUserConfig.

# src/Domain/Manager/StringsManager.php
use App\Application\Query\GetRandomString;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\HandleTrait;

class StringsManager
    use HandleTrait;

    public function __construct(MessageBusInterface $cachedMessageBus)
        $this->messageBus = $cachedMessageBus;

    public function getAlwaysSameRandomString(): string
        return $this->handle(
            new GetRandomString()

$stringsManager = new StringsManager();
$result0 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();
$result1 = $stringsManager->getAlwaysSameRandomString();

var_dump($result0 === $result1); // false

Detailed settings



Parameter Description
$ttl The cache lifetime in seconds. You may also be interested in the DynamicTtl interface, which allows you to dynamically choose the ttl for the cache.
$refreshAfter The cache validity period in seconds. After this time has elapsed, when the Bundle is called again, it will try to refresh this cache. NOTE: You need to add PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Message\RefreshAsync to your MessageBusInterface-based queue system (AMQP, Redis, Doctrine - see packages: Symfony/amqp-messenger, Symfony/redis-messenger, Symfony/doctrine-messenger).
$pool The pool alias that will be used to handle the cache.
$tags A list of constant tags for a given resource, but you may be interested in the DynamicTags interface, which allows you to fully customize it.


Parameter Description
$tags A list of constant tags that should be invalidated. You can replace them with the DynamicTags interface
$pool An pool to invalidate. If null, all TagAwareAdapterInterface pools will be invalidated.
$invalidateBeforeDispatch If you need to, cache invalidation can be performed before executing the actual Message.
$invalidateOnException If handling the Message results in an exception, cache invalidation can still be performed after executing the Message if you want.
$invalidateAsync If true and PBaszak\MessengerCacheBundle\Message\InvalidateAsync is present in your queue system (Symfony/amqp-messenger, Symfony/redis-messenger, Symfony/doctrine-messenger) as an asynchronously executed message, cache invalidation will be performed asynchronously.

Optional Interfaces

Interface Description
CacheableCallback The isCacheable(): bool method allows you to dynamically decide whether or not to use the cache.
DynamicTags The getDynamicTags(): array method allows you to dynamically provide tags for cache handling (replaces the Cache(tags: []) property).
DynamicTtl The getDynamicTtl(): int method allows you to dynamically provide a ttl value in seconds for the cache.
HashableInstance The getHashableInstance(): Cacheable method should return the Message object in a form that can be hashed. You may need to use this interface if the cache you want to store should be available to multiple users and at the same time you have user context in the Message. This method allows you to get rid of it.
UniqueHash The getUniqueHash(): string method allows you to define the hash for the Message instance yourself. You can use this instead of HashableInstance.


Messenger Cache Bundle is a package for the Symfony Messenger component that enables creating, invalidating, and refreshing cache using attributes. This allows for faster and more efficient processing of asynchronous tasks.








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