A discord bot for Albion Online's kill board
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- !ping - replies with @user pong
- !kbclear - deletes all messages in the config.botChannel
- !kbinfo - displays the kill board post for a specific kill to the current channel
Install Node JS on the machine that will run the bot
Execute 'npm install' in the directory to download the dependencies
Create a new Discord Application
Copy config.json.example --> config.json
Add the 'APP BOT USER' token as 'token' in 'config.json'
Enable developer mode in Discord (Settings -> Appearance)
Right click the channel you wish to use as the kill board, and Copy ID
Set ID as 'botChannel'
OPTIONAL: Set User IDs for admin accounts
To add the bot to your server: Visit https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={YOUR CLIENT ID} Example: https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=347919794504335362&permissions=2048&scope=bot
"cmdPrefix": "!",
"allianceName": "<NONE>",
"guildName": "8-bit",
"username": "AO-Killbot",
"admins": [
"botChannel": "445822300890946337",
"playingGame": "Albion Killboard Bot",
"token": "zMznafHXfbgaD3k0.hYN.CDTzsMHXz_35MNMiGyLOT-8EoQotgEs10iZAa7"
- Discord.js - Discord app library for Node.js and browsers.
- Request - Simplified HTTP client
- Mark Arneman Marn#8945 - Arneman.me