Tetris escrito con JavaScript. Se usa canvas para dibujar el tablero.
By parzibyte
Tutorial: https://parzibyte.me/blog/2020/11/02/tetris-javascript-open-source/
Demo: https://parzibyte.github.io/tetris-javascript/
Preferimos algo legible a algo "optimizado". Por ejemplo, en lugar de:
return !tablero[y][x].ocupado;
Se prefiere:
if (tablero[y][x].ocupado){
return false
}else {
return true;
Absolute point: A point with x and y that is absolute to the game board
Relative point: A point with inner x and y; for example, a point that conforms a figure
script.js: just a legacy code file. It is not necessary at all, it's just to remember the early development of this port
tetris.js: the main file. It contains 3 classes. If you want, you can separate all of them; they are independent.
Proudly brought to you by parzibyte (https://parzibyte.me/blog)