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Amplify^ Unity In Human

Write an Algorithm that Connects all available data to their context. You will be provided a set of data that will serve as connecting points and context for connected data. Use the clues below to organize the data by context.

Context: A series of text describing the experiences that inspired a series of tweet are stored in a chat history between <240.351.3678> and <+2348188345257> {This chat history will continue updating until either parties decide to seize communication}

Data: TwitterAPI: Tweets containing #LafiaEscape and #Amplify^

WhatsApp And Google Location History:

Solve these problems:

  1. What does 6 represent when this tweet #Amplify^6 was first posted on twitter?
  2. Persona 1 = {Data: on the < LafiaEscapeStartDate>
  3. Persona 2 = {Data: on the October 1, 2021>
  4. In What location was the 1st #LafiaEscape posted (GoogleMap API: <Date: Oct 8th 2021)
  5. What Date did #LafiaEscape Matured? <date #Amplify^ made it on twitter through #LafiaEscape>

Store this value as Context (Bonus: Visualize this): var AmplifyContext: <#LafiaEscape Tweet on 12/01/2021> var AmplifyActions: <WhatsAppMessage on 12/15/2022> LafiaEscapeStartDate: <Date of 1st #LafiaEscape> LafiaEscapeConnectDate: (Location City {GoogleMap API}: LafiaEscapeStartDate: )

Visualization: (Graph AmplifyContext backward using #lafiaEscape as context) or Display: <WhatsAppMessage on 12/1/2021> (Graph AmplifyContext Forward using #Amplify^ as context)

**Useful Technologies and Tools: **

**Your Algorithm will be tested for: **

Speed to build the history of #Amplify^

Creative visualization and ability to communicate with the available data

Only solution deploy to cloud will be accepted

Message @adawodu or @parallelScore for questions or clarifications