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Insights: parallax/jsPDF

Dependency graph

Package: jspdf

Repositories that depend on jspdf

133,145 Repositories 1,900 Packages
These counts are approximate and may not exactly match the dependents shown below.
Filter by owner
@ghost @nudmcdgnpm/digit-ui-libraries
@carscx carscx / google-chart-viewer google-chart-component
0 0
@sleepy-zone sleepy-zone / fabritor-web fabritor-web-mawada
767 84
@ghost @nudmcdgnpm/upyog-ui-module-asset
@ghost sh2-react
@ghost generate-labels
@ghost fhzb-activated
@ghost modul-sp-main
@ghost zbcx_zhcsdz
@ghost machinecreativestudiocomponent
@ghost machinecreativecomponent
@ghost md2resume
@CcSimple CcSimple / vue-plugin-hiprint vue-plugin-hiprint-extend
839 171
@jason-work-git jason-work-git / my-prime-react ytg-reusable-component
0 0
@x-extends x-extends / vxe-ui-plugins @vxe-ui/plugin-export-pdf
1 0
@ghost @kxrd/canvas-editor
@ghost cx-common-utils
@primefaces primefaces / primeng @vts-voffice/primeng
9,837 4,504
@ghost @nudm/digit-ui-libraries
@ghost pdf-preview-highlight
@ghost czq-approval
@ghost @feedmepos/mf-table
@ghost x2-print
@ghost cx-common-utils-test
@ghost certified-sdk