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RVP: Recursive Visual Programming

This is the code for the paper Recursive Visual Programming by Jiaxin Ge, Sanjay Subramanian, Baifeng Shi, Roei Herzig, Trevor Darrell.



Clone recursively:

git clone --recurse-submodules

After cloning:

cd RVP
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
bash  # This may take a while. 
python clean --all build develop --user
cd ..


First, create a conda environment using and then install our modified version of GLIP. To do so, just cd into the RVP directory, and run:

export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
conda activate rvp
python clean --all build develop --user

Please make sure to install GLIP as described.

Pretrained models

The repo inherit from ViperGPT and contains all the pretrained models in ViperGPT. This includes models such as BLIP and GLIP, see ViperGPT for a more detailed instruction of how to download these models.

On top of that, we also included the more recent InstructBLIP and Llava model. We also incorporate the open-sourced model CodeLlama which can replace the OpenAI models to generate the code. These three models can be automatically downloaded by setting the variables to True in the config file (config.load_models.instructblip, config.load_models.llava, config.load_models.codellama).

OpenAI key

To run the OpenAI models, you will need to configure an OpenAI key. This can be done by signing up for an account e.g. here, and then creating a key in account/api-keys. Create a file api.key and store the key in it.

Running the code

Once the previous steps are done, you can run the code using the following command:

CONFIG_NAMES=your_config_name python main_batch.pyy

CONFIG_NAMES is an environment variable that specifies the configuration files to use.

We provide all the configs we used for different tasks in the folder ./configs


To run RVP on a pre-defined set of query-image/video pairs, First, create a .csv file, which contains the queries and the filenames for the corresponding images/videos. The format of the file is query,answer,image_name/video_name. The answer is optional, and only needed for evaluation. See the csv files in data for an example.

Then, change the path file in datasets/ and in the configuration accordingly.


All the configuration parameters are defined in configs/base_config.yaml. In order to run the code, modify the paths in the parameters path_pretrained_models and optionally dataset.data_path to point to the correct directories.

For every new configuration you need to run, create a new yaml file in the configs directory (like my_config.yaml), and modify the parameters you need to change. The parameters in the new file will overwrite the ones in base_config.yaml. Any number of configuration files can be specified, they will be merged in the order they are specified in the command line.

Additionally, we add the new parameters in the config file: condex.prompt_pool: This contains the path of a prompt pool. It allows the model to automatically retrieve from it to select the in-context examples. codex.prompt: This contains the prompt used to prompt the LLM to generate the code. The prompt may contain the fixed in-context examples or the retrieved in-context examples use_recursive: When set to True, use RVP; When False, use the non-recursive method. use_default: When set to True, using the fixed examples. When False, using the retrieved examples.

Code structure

We use the code structure provided by ViperGPT. We implement the following new features:

  • Contain code for the new pretrained models: InstructBLIPModel and LlavaModel. These models can be used to substitube the original BLIPv2 model and run as a more powerful simple_query API. Note that Llava is pretrained on GQA and should not be used to test on zero-shot GQA.
  • : The main files to run the code. We implement the logic of recursive_query in the main_batch
  • and These are the classes that represent the image patches and video segments. They contain all the methods that call the forward method of and therefore call the models.
  • configs: Directory containing the configuration files. The configuration files are in YAML format, and read using OmegaConf.
  • datasets: Directory containing the code for the datasets. The datasets are subclasses of We add the type images to enable multi-image task such as COVR.
  • prompts: Directory containing the prompts for RVP and non-recursive method on different tasks.


You can cite the paper as:

    title={Recursive Visual Programming},
    author={Ge, Jiaxin and Subramanian, Sanjay and Shi, Baifeng and Herzig, Roei and Darrell, Trevor},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.02249},


Code borrows heavily from ViperGPT


Recursive Visual Programming







No releases published
