A pathtracer for R. Build and render complex scenes and 3D data visualizations directly from R
TensorRT implementation of Depth-Anything V1, V2
[CVPR 2024] Depth Anything: Unleashing the Power of Large-Scale Unlabeled Data. Foundation Model for Monocular Depth Estimation
Pure GPU, instanced, screen-projected lines for regl
Qt image plugin for displaying Mapbox vector tiles
Reduce the burden of mathematics when playing OpenSCAD
GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
smartavionics / Cura
Forked from Ultimaker/Cura3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of the Uranium framework
openssl-1.1 Windows build with Visual Studio.
mjscosta / GrblHoming
Forked from zapmaker/GrblHomingQT-based gcode user interface for grbl on arduino
zapmaker / GrblHoming
Forked from apsystems/GrblHomingQT-based gcode user interface for grbl on arduino
Advanced Docking System for Qt
Converter from GeoLite2 country database to legacy GeoIP CSV, for use with xtables-addons
Connect to your mattermost or slack using your IRC-client of choice.
IRC gateway for slack, running on localhost for one user. The project is now on codeberg.
🔥 Experiments building Vulkan applications, libraries, and abstractions.
Qt image plugin for Google's optimised JPEG encoder named "guetzli".
A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things.
Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.