The Craft Enum is a PHP enum generator. It generates all Fields, Section, Volume ... handles write to code as cases.
// Get a section
$section = Section::Posts->section()
// Create a entry with sectionId
$entry = Section::Posts->new()
// Entry query with section
$entryQuery = Section::Post->find();
// Replace string handle (Not recommended)
$section = Craft::$app->secionts->getSectionByHandle(Section::Posts->value);
Note: You cannot use PHP enumerations to directly replace string. You should write `getSectionByHandle(Section::Posts->value)` instead of `getSectionByHandle(Section::Posts)`(error).
Maybe, never try to use enums instead of strings or constants, but use the convenience methods of the enum class.
- PHP 8.2
- Craft CMS 4.3.5 or later.
composer require panlatent/craft-enum --dev
- Manual
Reference: CraftCMS Docs
php craft make enums
Generate enums to src/enums
ddev craft make enums --path=src
- Automatic
It is recommended that you register events to generate real-time:
use panlatent\craft\enums\Enums;
Event::on(ProjectConfig::class, ProjectConfig::EVENT_AFTER_WRITE_YAML_FILES), function() {
(new \Symfony\Component\Process\Process(['php', 'craft', 'make', 'enums', '--path=src', '--interactive=1'], Craft::getAlias('@root'), [Enums::DISABLE_INTERACTIVE => true]))->mustRun();
We use the Symfony Process
component to run build commands when the project changes, using --interactive=1
and Enums::DISABLE_INTERACTIVE => true
in order to bypass CraftCMS limitation.
See generate codes.
The project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.