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What is Pixel Sorting

Have a look at this post or /r/pixelsorting

All credit goes to this repo for all the basic parts of this program! This program wouldn't be anything without it.


The program will install these for you. All you need is python 3.7+ and Git and the script will work. However, you can install these manually if you desire.

Requires Pillow. pip install Pillow should work. If not, see here for details.

Requires requests. pip install requests

Requires tqdm. pip install tqdm

Requires numpy. pip install numpy

There is also a requirements file which pretty much does the same via pip install -r requirements.txt.

To install all at once, run pip install pillow requests tqdm numpy or let the program install them for you.


From the command line:

git clone
cd Pixelsorting

There are presets included. However, if you wish to use any of the "past runs" with your own image, you can use a preset ID. The preset ID is created from the date/time when the image was created. For instance, an image created on 06/18/2019 at 11:38 has the ID of 061820191138

Most of the images created before 06/10/2019 do NOT have preset ID's.

Starting image MUST be provided in a direct URL. Interval functions, sorting functions, and arguments are parsed after the program runs. No arguments are parsed when the script is called from the command line.

The output image is provided as a direct image link hosted on or saved locally if the user does not have internet.

Tip: To replicate Kim Asendorf's original processing script, first sort vertically and then horizontally in threshold (default) mode


Parameter Flag Description
Randomness -r What percentage of intervals not to sort. 0 by default.
Threshold (lower) -t How dark must a pixel be to be considered as a 'border' for sorting? Takes values from 0-1. 0.25 by default. Used in edges and threshold modes.
Threshold (upper) -u How bright must a pixel be to be considered as a 'border' for sorting? Takes values from 0-1. 0.8 by default. Used in threshold mode.
Char. length -c Characteristic length for the random width generator. Used in mode random.
Angle -a Angle at which you're pixel sorting in degrees. 0 (horizontal) by default.

Interval Functions

Interval function Description
random Randomly generate intervals. Distribution of widths is linear by default. Interval widths can be scaled using clength.
edges Performs an edge detection, which is used to define intervals. Tweak threshold with threshold.
threshold Intervals defined by lightness thresholds; only pixels with a lightness between the upper and lower thresholds are sorted.
waves Intervals are waves of nearly uniform widths. Control width of waves with clength.
snap Intervals are sorted by random first, then half the pixels are changed to be transparent.
shuffle-total Intervals are shuffled.
shuffle-axis Intervals are shuffled across the Y axis.
file Intervals taken from another specified input image. Must be black and white.
file-edges Intevals defined by performing edge detection on the file specified by the ElementaryCA function. Must be the same size as the input image.
none Sort whole rows, only stopping at image borders.

Sorting Functions

Sorting function Description
lightness Sort by the lightness of a pixel according to a HSV representation.
hue Sort by the hue of a pixel according to a HSV representation.
saturation Sort by the saturation of a pixel according to a HSV representation.
intensity Sort by the intensity of a pixel, i.e. the sum of all the RGB values.
minimum Sort on the minimum RGB value of a pixel (either the R, G or B).

Examples (Hover for preset ID)

All examples were made using the full random preset.

alt text Starting image

alt text Starting image

alt text Staring image

alt text Starting image

alt text Starting image

alt text Staring image


  • Allow defining different intervals for different channels.