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A Leiningen plugin to update the project version.


Put [lein-set-version "0.4.1"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile.

For example, to update the version of your project to 1.0.0

$ lein set-version 1.0.0

This will also work with lein-sub, and will update the intra-project dependency versions too.

Without a version argument, and "-SNAPSHOT" is removed from the current project version and that version is used.

Updating other files

Apart from project.clj, lein-set-version can also update other files. To configure this, add entries to the :updates vector in the project :set-version key. Each entry should be a map, containing at least a :path key with the project relative path of the file to be updated.

 {:updates [{:path "" :no-snapshot true}
            {:path "src/leiningen/ritz.clj"
             #"some text \"\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-SNAPSHOT)?\""}]}

:no-snapshot : Prevents updating the file to a "-SNAPSHOT" version. Defaults to false.

:search-regex : Finds text to be replaced. Defaults to a regex for the existing project version (or the previous version if the current version is a snapshot and :no-snapshot is true).

:replace-regex : A regex applied to the text matched by :search-regex. The matching region is replaced with the new version. Defaults to a regex for the existing project version (or the previous version if the current version is a snapshot and :no-snapshot is true).

Note that the previous version may need to be supplied on the command line when :no-snapshot is used, and the current version ends in a ".0". You can specify this using the :previous-version keyword.

lein set-version 1.1.0 :previous-version 1.0.2

Dry Run Mode

You can pass :dry-run true to run without changing any files. In this mode the changes to be made are displayed.

See also

lein-release : automatically manages your project’s version and deploys the built artifact

lein-sub : execute tasks on sub-projects

Leiningen Plugins Wiki : comprehensive list of plugins


Copyright © 2012 Hugo Duncan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.