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A Cloud Native Buildpack that adds custom CA certificates to a build and a created image


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The Paketo Buildpack for CA Certificates is a Cloud Native Buildpack that adds CA certificates to the system truststore at build and runtime.


This buildpack always participates.

The buildpack will do the following:

  • At build time:
    • If $BP_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING_DISABLED is false, it contributes the ca-cert-helper to the application image. Default is false.
    • If one or more bindings with type of ca-certificates exists, it adds all CA certificates from the bindings to the system truststore.
    • If another buildpack provides ca-certificates in the build plan with build plan metadata of metadata.paths containing an array of certificate paths, it adds all CA certificates from the given paths to the system truststore. See here for details on how this works.
    • If $BP_EMBED_CERTS is true, it includes the layer with all of the CA certificates into the application image.
  • At runtime:
    • If one or more bindings with type of ca-certificates exists, the ca-cert-helper adds all CA certificates from the bindings to the system truststore.

The buildpack configures trusted certs at both build and runtime by:

  1. Creating a directory.
  2. Creating symlinks within the directory pointing to any additional requested certificate files.
  3. Appending the directory to the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable.
  4. Setting SSL_CERT_FILE to the default system CA file, if it was previously unset.

To learn about the conventional meaning of SSL_CERT_DIR and SSL_CERT_FILE environment variables see the OpenSSL documentation for SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations. This buildpack may not work with tools that do not respect these environment variables.

Runtime Environment Support

Feature Supported Detail
read-only runtime container No Symlinks and/or new files are written for certificates provided via binding at runtime. A read-only container will run if no cert bindings are present at runtime.
run as custom user Yes The custom user must be a member of the CNB group


The buildpack optionally accepts the following bindings:

Type: ca-certificates

Key Value Description
<certificate-name> <certificate> CA certificate to trust. Should contain exactly one PEM encoded certificate.


Environment Variable Description
$BP_EMBED_CERTS Embed all CA certificate bindings present at buildtime into the application image. This removes the need to have any embedded CA certificate bindings present at runtime. Default is false.
$BP_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING_DISABLED Disable the helper that adds certificates at runtime. This means any provided CA certificates will not be included. Default to false, which means certificates are loaded by default.
$BP_ENABLE_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING Deprecated in favour of $BP_RUNTIME_CERT_BINDING_DISABLED. Enable/disable the ability to set certificates at runtime via the certificate helper layer. Default is true.


This buildpack is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.