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rfm - rods file manager

rfm is a basic filemanager for use with dwm (http: on linux.
The aim of the project was:
   * flexible thumbnailing capabilities
   * file handling by mime type
   * use drag and drop for file operations
   * show status of mount points defined in fstab
   * small code base for easy maintanance.

Requires gtk3, at least 3.22. Tested on Arch linux (http:
Works on xorg (tested on dwm) or wayland (tested on sway; DnD broken on weston).

Edit config.h to suit your requirements.
It may also be neccessary to edit Makefile if some of the libraries can't be found. Then

   make clean
As root:
   make install

The installation part copies rfm to /usr/local/bin; this can
be done manually if required.

The default config.h assumes certain apps are available and requires the scripts in
scripts/ to be copied to /usr/local/bin:
cp scripts/* /usr/local/bin

Some scripts require bash. At a minimum, may be useful.

If you use the default config.h, please check it to ensure you have the defined apps
installed! The filemanager does not use .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/,
although it could be configured that way using a script if required.

All configuration is done in the config.h file, and the filer must be recompiled using
the supplied Makefile to implement the changes.

Run actions will be shown in the action menu (right-click) IN THE ORDER defined 
in config.h. Thus, Copy, Move and Delete are always the first three items in the menu.
The first defined run action for any mime type will become the default (double-click)
action for that file type.

*** The first three run actions *** defined in config.h MUST be for the Copy,
Move and Delete commands, in that order:

static const char *f_rm[]   = { "/bin/rm", "-r", "-f", NULL };
static const char *f_cp[]   = { "/bin/cp", "-p", "-R", "-f", NULL };
static const char *f_mv[]   = { "/bin/mv", "-f", NULL };

static RFM_RunActions run_actions[] = {
   /* name         mime root     mime sub type      argument          run options */
   { "Copy",       "*",          "*",               f_cp,             RFM_EXEC_INTERNAL },   
   { "Move",       "*",          "*",               f_mv,             RFM_EXEC_INTERNAL },   
   { "Delete",     "*",          "*",               f_rm,             RFM_EXEC_INTERNAL },

The argument is a pointer to an array containing the details of the command to run in linux execv() style; from
linux man page for execv: 
   " array of pointers to null-terminated strings that represent the argument list available to the
    new program. The first argument, by  convention,  should  point  to  the filename associated with
    the file being executed.  The array of pointers must be terminated by a null pointer."
The last column controls how the program should be run - see supplied config.h for more details.

The copy and move operations defined here are invoked from both the action menu AND for drag and drop.

This is the minimum requirement for run_actions, but can be extended for other mime types,
for examples and further instructions see the supplied config.h.

Running rfm

Usage: rfm [-c || -d <full path to directory> || -i || -v]

The default displayed directory is $HOME

All options are mutually exclusive:
	-c: open in current working directory rather than $HOME
	-d: open in given directory
	-i: identify object: right click on object shows mime type of file on stdout
	-v: show copyright and version information

The -i option may be useful when setting up config.h: the file command
doesn't always return the same type as gtk!

Using rfm
There are two menus: right click on an object shows the action menu of commands defined in
config.h for the selected file's mime type; right click on the background shows a menu for
new file / new dir / copy path to cut buffer (not configurable).

Double click on a dir to enter it; double click on any other object to run the default action.

Single click selects an object: multiple objects can be selected via 'rubber band' or using
shift / ctrl keys.

Single click with mouse move on selected items starts drag and drop copy or move. Drag and drop is the
primary method for copying / moving files: the copy / move (rename) on the file menu only applies
to single objects selected. There is no clipboard support for filesystem objects.

Copy / Move / Delete Dialogue box with Cancel, No, Yes, All buttons:
Clicking 'Cancel' at ANY POINT will stop the WHOLE operation before any files are actually changed.
Click 'No' to exclude the named file from the operation.
Click 'Yes' to include the file in the operation (only useful for multiple files).
Click All at any point to delete all remaining files selected without further prompting.

GTK+ has built in imaging for many different file types; however, you can also define your own thumbnailer
for specific mime types in config.h. The first entry in RFM_Thumbnailers is for the internal GTK based
thumbnailer; this must be present. Additional thumbnailers may be defined as a user defined function: see
config.h for further details.

Tool bar
There are 6 built-in toolbar functions:
Menu    - show the menu (same as right click)
Up      - next directory level up
Home    - show user's home directory
Stop    - stop current directory read / thumbnailing operation
Refresh - Left Click: Refresh mounts list / current view; Right Click: to refresh and toggle display order
Info    - Show running background tasks.

Tool bar buttons can be added using config.h. See config.def.h for further details.

NOTE: a right click on the refresh button will switch the sort mode from
      alphabetical order to file modified time order (latest files last) before refreshing.
      This is a toggle switch: right click again to restore the original order.

Keyboard Controls
These are default gtk keys:

Arrow keys:       select item
Enter / space:    activate item (default action)
Shift+arrow keys: select multiple adjacent items
Ctrl+arrow keys:  select multiple items items with the space bar
Tab:              switch between the tool bar and the icon view

For toolbar: arrow keys to navigate, enter to select.
For menus:   arrow keys to navigate, enter to select, esc to close without selection.

Icon Themes
The filer falls back to showing default built-in icons taken from the Tango Desktop Project, or possibly other GTK
internal icons (these were supposed to be removed at some point by GTK developers).
You have two options to define the icon theme / font to use:

1. Use gtk-3 settings.ini (prefered method):

Create the file: ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and add e.g.:
	gtk-icon-theme-name = elementary
	# Use fc-list | sed 's,:.*,,' | sort to get font names
	gtk-font-name = Bitstream Vera Sans 10

This will cause rfm to use the elementary icon theme (recommended) with Bitstream Vera Sans 10 pt fonts;

NOTE: theme changes are not watched for in any running filer; A restart is required to free the old theme
      and apply the new.

2. Force the required theme:

This is not prefered, because other GTK+ apps may load other themes requiring more than one icon theme
to be cached in memory. It is best for all GTK+ apps to use a common theme. If you still want this then:
Edit config.h and add e.g.
	#define RFM_ICON_THEME "Tango"
This will force rfm to use the Tango icon theme, if installed.

Icon sizes are controlled by:
	#define RFM_TOOL_SIZE 22
	#define RFM_ICON_SIZE 48

NOTE that all thumbnails are cached in ~/.cache/thumbnails/normal/ according to the freedesktop specification.
For the normal directory, the thumbnail size should not exceed 128x128 pixels. Changing RFM_THUMBNAIL_SIZE
will alter the generated thumbnail size and the displayed size. Therefore, RFM_THUMBNAIL_SIZE should
not exceed 128 to remain within the freedesktop specs. rfm will not complain if this is set greater than 128,
but other apps using the cache might!

Notes on XDG related stuff: untested since rfm 1.0

If you don't use dwm and require the filer to be registered with a desktop environment, or want to use
with xdg-open etc, you need to:

1. Create rfm.desktop in ~/.local/share/applications/
2. Edit and add contents:
		[Desktop Entry]
		GenericName=rods file manager
		Comment=Simple file manager for dwm
		Icon=*** ADD an ICON here if required ***
3. Create / edit defaults.list in ~/.local/share/applications/
4. Add inode/directory=rfm.desktop to the list, e.g.

[Default Applications]

You can add the following to config.h in the approprate places to open an object
with the default XDG app:
static const char *xdg_open[]  = { "/usr/bin/xdg-open", NULL };
   { "xdg-open",        "*",     "*",  xdg_open,  RFM_EXEC_NONE }

This will cause xdg-open to appear in the action menu for every object.

Users of dwm might prefer to add:

   static const char *open_with[]  = { "/usr/local/bin/", NULL };
   { "Open with...",    "*",     "*",  open_with,  RFM_EXEC_NONE },

as a catch all to use dmenu for opening files. The helper script is included in the scripts dir.

See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.

Summary Notes
1. All file operations are carried out using shell commands, defined in config.h. 
2. Regardless of run option, stdin is not available. Be sure to run non-interactive commands only,
   unless you run them inside a terminal, e.g. xterm [-hold] -e <command>.
3. If the output of external programs is to be displayed, the following points should be noted:
      * If pango markup is used, you need to escape any markup characters in filename etc, i.e. use
        something like sed 's/\&/\&amp\;/g; s/</\&lt\;/g; s/>/\&gt\;/g' to  replace & with &amp; < with &lt;
        and > with &gt;
      * Valid UTF-8 characters are required in any output.
      * If the number of output chars (stdin / stderr) to be displayed exceeds RFM_MX_MSGBOX_CHARS
        the output will always be shown in a scrollable text window regardless of the run option setting.

All processes run in a single main thread. Unresponsive directories (e.g. slow or unstable network
shares) will cause the filer to 'hang' until they become available again.
Changes to files in the displayed directory result in a rescan of the entire directory contents. This may
result in slow operation if the directory contains a large number of files.

Acknowledgements / references
Author:                 Dr. Rodney Padgett <[email protected]>

Arch Linux:   
stock-icons:            Tango Desktop Project: http:
elementary icon theme:
guyuming:               Thanks for pointing out some errors in the code.


Simple file manager for dwm







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