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Crypto Finance Development Kit for Go (CFD-GO)

CFD library for Go.


This library is development kit for crypto finance application. Useful when developing applications for cryptocurrencies.

Target Network

  • Bitcoin
  • Liquid Network

Support function by cfd

  • Bitcoin
    • Bitcoin Script (builder, viewer)
    • Transaction
      • Create, Parse, Decode
      • Simple pubkey-hash sign / verify
      • Estimate Fee
      • Coin Selection (FundRawTransaction)
    • PSBT (v0. v2 & taproot is not yet.)
      • Create, Parse, Decode
      • Simple pubkey-hash sign / verify
      • Estimate Fee
      • Coin Selection (FundRawTransaction)
    • ECDSA Pubkey/Privkey (TweakAdd/Mul, Negate, Sign, Verify)
    • BIP32, BIP39
    • Output Descriptor (contains miniscript parser)
    • Schnorr/Taproot
    • Bitcoin Address (Segwit-v0, Segwit-v1, P2PKH/P2SH)
  • Liquid Network
    • Confidential Transaction
      • Blind, Unblind
      • Reissuance
    • Confidential Address

Libraries for each language

  • Go : cfd-go
    • C/C++ : cfd
      • Extend the cfd-core library. Defines the C language API and extension classes.
    • C++ : cfd-core
      • Core library. Definition base class.
  • other language:
    • JavaScript : cfd-js
    • WebAssembly : cfd-js-wasm
    • Python : cfd-python
    • C# : cfd-csharp
    • Rust : cfd-rust


  • Go (1.12 or higher)
  • C/C++ Compiler   - can compile c++11
  • CMake (3.14.3 or higher)
  • When using npm scripts and cmake-js
    • node.js (stable version)
    • Python 3.x
      • for building libwally-core js wrapper

Windows (MinGW)

attention: Cgo can only be used on the make platform.

(Recommended to use wsl(Windows Subsystem for Linux), because it can be cumbersome.)

download and install files.

  • go (1.12 or higher)
  • CMake (3.14.3 or higher)
  • MinGW (Add to PATH after install)


# xcode cli tools
xcode-select --install

# install dependencies using Homebrew
brew install cmake go node


# install dependencies using APT package Manager
apt-get install -y build-essential golang cmake nodejs

cmake version 3.14.2 or lower, download from website and install cmake.

go version 1.11 or lower, get or higher.


Using cmake-js

(If you want to install, see the installation. Introduces build and install command.)

When using the cmake-js package and npm script, the options for compilation are already set.

npm install
npm run cmake_release
go mod download
go build

Using CMake

# recommend out of source build
mkdir build && cd $_
# configure & build
cd ..
go mod download
go build

CMake options

cmake .. (CMake options) -DENABLE_JS_WRAPPER=off

  • -DENABLE_ELEMENTS: Enable functionalies for elements sidechain. [ON/OFF] (default:ON)
  • -DENABLE_SHARED: Enable building a shared library. [ON/OFF] (default:OFF)
  • -DENABLE_TESTS: Enable building a testing codes. If enables this option, builds testing framework submodules(google test) automatically. [ON/OFF] (default:ON)
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release: Enable release build.
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug: Enable debug build.
  • -DCFDCORE_DEBUG=on: Enable cfd debug mode and loggings log files. [ON/OFF] (default:OFF)

install / uninstall

On Linux or MacOS, can use install / uninstall.

On Windows, can use releases asset.

Using releases asset

The fastest and easiest way.

  • macos / linux(ubuntu)
sudo ./tools/


sudo unzip -q -d /
  • windows
    1. cleanup: c:/usr/local directory.
    2. download asset.
    3. Unzip and extract to c:/usr/local directory.

install (after build)

install for /usr/local/lib.

Using cmake-js install

When using the cmake-js package and npm script, the options for compilation are already set.

Attention: Currently, there is a problem with ExternalProject, so a problem occurs when performing update processing. Please perform cleanup when building before installation.

sudo ./tools/

(build and install by using makefile)
npm run cmake_make_install
(Enter the password when prompted to use the sudo command.)

cmake version is 3.15 or higher:

sudo ./tools/

(build and install by using ninja or makefile)
npm run cmake_install
(Enter the password when prompted to use the sudo command.)

Using CMake install

Attention: Currently, there is a problem with ExternalProject, so a problem occurs when performing update processing. Please perform cleanup when building before installation.

sudo ./tools/

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DENABLE_SHARED=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DENABLE_TESTS=off -DENABLE_JS_WRAPPER=off -DENABLE_CAPI=on -DTARGET_RPATH=/usr/local/lib && make

(install by using makefile)
cd build && sudo make install

(install by using ninja)
cd build && sudo ninja install

cmake version is 3.15 or higher: cmake --install build

Using releases asset (for install)

  • Ubuntu / MacOS
sudo ./tools/


sudo unzip -q -d /


(uninstall by using makefile)
cd build && sudo make uninstall

(uninstall by using ninja)
cd build && sudo ninja uninstall

(uninstall by using script)
sudo ./tools/

How to use cfd-go as go module

  1. Once, clone this repository.

  2. Build & install cfd-go(and dependencies).

  3. Modify go.mod file adding cfd-go as go moudle


    require ( v0.3.2

    Reference github commit:

    require ( v1.0.0-0.20191205091101-a48a6a8b1a24

    (version format: UnknownVersionTag-UtcDate-CommitHash)

  4. Download cfd-go module

    go mod download

Test and Example


test file is cfdgo_test.go . Execute by the following method.

  • shell script or bat file

  • go command (linux/macos)

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build/Release go test


  • cfdgo_test.go

Information for developers

managed files

  • cfdgo.go, cfdgo.cxx: generated from swig.
  • swig.i: swig file.

using library

develop tools

generate from swig.i

attention: At first, install swig and set PATH.




  • go fmt
  • goimports

use by makefile:






develop tools by docker compose

generate from swig.i by docker compose

docker-compose run swig

formatter and mockgen by docker compose

docker-compose run formatter

support compilers

  • GCC (contains MinGW) (5.x or higher)
  • Clang (7.x or higher)

code coverage


(Ubuntu / MacOS)


Git connection

Git repository connections default to HTTPS. However, depending on the connection settings of GitHub, you may only be able to connect via SSH. As a countermeasure, forcibly establish SSH connection by setting CFD_CMAKE_GIT_SSH=1 in the environment variable.

  • Windows: (On the command line. Or set from the system setting screen.)

  • MacOS & Linux(Ubuntu):

    export CFD_CMAKE_GIT_SSH=1

Ignore git update for CMake External Project

Depending on your git environment, you may get the following error when checking out external:

  Performing update step for 'libwally-core-download'
  Current branch cmake_build is up to date.
  No stash entries found.
  No stash entries found.
  No stash entries found.
  CMake Error at /workspace/cfd-core/build/external/libwally-core/download/libwally-core-download-prefix/tmp/libwally-core-download-gitupdate.cmake:133 (message):

    Failed to unstash changes in:

    You will have to resolve the conflicts manually

This phenomenon is due to the git update related command. Please set an environment variable that skips update processing.

  • Windows: (On the command line. Or set from the system setting screen.)

  • MacOS & Linux(Ubuntu):