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My process of going through cs231

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I want to go through this course and will publish my progress here. Hope this process will help me to build consistency and momentum going through whole course.

Table of Content

  • Q1: k-Nearest Neighbor classifier (20 points) 17 Dec 2017
  • Q2: Training a Support Vector Machine (25 points) 19 Dec 2017 | 20 Dec 2017
  • Q3: Implement a Softmax classifier (20 points) 23 Dec 2017 | 24 Dec 2017
  • Q4: Two-Layer Neural Network (25 points) 26 Dec 2017
  • Q5: Higher Level Representations: Image Features (10 points) 26 Dec 2017
  • Q6: Cool Bonus: Do something extra! (+10 points)
  • Recap: SVM Vectorizing Gradients
  • Q1: Fully-connected Neural Network (25 points) 27 Dec 2017
  • Q2: Batch Normalization (25 points) 29 Dec 2017
  • Q2A: Implement Batch Normalization alternative gradient
  • Q3: Dropout (10 points) 27 Dec 2017
  • Q4: Convolutional Networks (30 points)31 Dec 2017
  • Q5: PyTorch / TensorFlow on CIFAR-10 (10 points)02 Jan 2018
  • Q6: Do something extra! (up to +10 points)
  • Q1: Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs (25 points)06 Jan 2018
  • Q2: Image Captioning with LSTMs (30 points)06 Jan 2018
  • Q2A: Implement good captioning model
  • Q3: Network Visualization: Saliency maps, Class Visualization, and Fooling Images (15 points) 08 Jan 2018
  • Q4: Style Transfer (15 points) 13 Jan 2018
  • Q5: Generative Adversarial Networks (15 points)


TBA Later

Diary Section

13.01.2018 – Style Transfer

Done with style transfer, interesting assignment it was a lot of fun to do this. It was quite complicated, but I manage to do it. Finished GAN. It was fucking amazing.

08.01.2018 – Network Visualization

Very hard at first task, I had no idea how to use PyTorch for this task, and it was almost no explicit instructions, so I just struggled a bit. Than I've groked this. Bad that I used other people solution to get idea what to do. (Especially how to pass gradients, and what to do next)

06.01.2018 – RNN and LSTM

Spend to days watching video lectures on CS231n, finally got to RNNs today and can complete assignments. Good that I sit and implement them easily. I feels bad, that I can do assignment so easily, it must be harder, thanks for a lot of help functions from creators of course.

Implementing LSTMs was pretty hard, I spent quite a lot of time even have drawn computation graph. Also when I was ready to give up and look for solutions in Internet. I'm like "Ok, one more time and I'm done"! Then "click" and everything works! That's just fucking magic! So I really implemented Everything I need to build LSTMs.

02.01.2018 – PyTorch

Ho-ho easily implemented architecture, it nicely overfit, but works well on data. And gets 75% accuracy.

31.12.2017 – Implemented Convolutional network

Woof! I did it! I've completed this assignment with convolutional networks it was pretty interesting. Working with 3d slices of data and others. What should I do more It's fast implementation of this networks. Everything works pretty cool!

29.12.2017 – Implemented Batch normalization Neural Network

Finally did this task, it was hard, I spent a lot of time. Main reason was lack of focus and attention. Checking of shapes help a lot, but I struggled with final gradient of gate "–" And I used external resources.

27.12.2017 – Implemented Fully-connected Neural Network

Implemented Fully-connected Neural Network with arbitary architecture. Now things get quite easy, I understand how to go through this course, so I just do assignments. Implemented Dropout. The bad: I skipped descriptions of different optimizations techniques.

26.12.2017 – Implemented vectorize SVM and cross validation

Good that I figured out how to implement neural net, and in general completed first assignment. Bad, I worked with low focus in the morning

20.12.2017 – Implemented vectorize SVM and cross validation


  • implemented cross validation and SGD


19.12.2017 – Implemented SVM naive gradient and Vectorized Loss


  • I succesfully figured out how to correctly calculate svm gradients. Optimization course page helped me a lot! I almost figured out it by my self, but missed indicator function they use
  • First time in my life I understood how to write vectorized versions, It's very simple. You just copy-paste naive implementation and vectorize it step-by-step. One cycle per time. Loss vectorizing took only 25 minutes


  • I haven't out indicator function in gradients
  • I do not had enough time to implement vectorized gradients

17.12.2017 – Set Up && k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier

So I added this repo and implemented k-Nearest Classifier. During this task I noticed few interesting things.

  1. Half vectorized implementation work worse than 2 lops, probably it's because I do non efficient norm calculation
  2. Vectorizing of L2 normalization do not seemed straightforward at first, but simple rule (a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2*a*b + b^2 helps a lot. I had really to play to calculate correct square of matrix. But it was fun.
  3. I got better at mutation matrixes with reshape, hstack, vstack. All this stuff just looked obvious for me today.


  • easier than before to go through task, I'm like nailed it.
  • I did everything by myself


  • I had to Google for simple hint about L2 vectorizing. It's quite obvious and I should use basic math rules.

So tommorow I'm going to close SVM task


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