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Oscar for Ghost

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The Oscar Ghost Theme is a clean, simple, minimalistic theme built for ghost. The theme is built from an original fork of the Lanyon-Ghost Theme.

This theme is ideal for single author, tag heavy, looking for a simple design, with code highlighting.



  • v3.0.0 (30 Apr 20)
    • Update for Ghost 3.0 compatibility
  • v2.0.2 (26 Aug 18)
    • Fix #26 (tag header not working)
  • v2.0.1 (26 Aug 18)
  • v2.0.0 (26 Aug 18)
  • v1.1.0 (7 Jun 18)
  • v1.0.4 (8 Jan 17)
    • Add ability to config features
    • Add tag sub menu
  • v1.0.3 (4 Jan 17)
    • Support additional language for syntax highlighting (Go, Python, MD)
  • v1.0.2 (3 Dec 16)
    • Add next and previous post links to Post.hbs
    • Open all external links in new tab
  • v1.0.1 (3 Dec 16)
  • v1.0.0 (24 May 16)


  • Configurable Features
  • Custom Navigation Menu (#7)
  • Submenu for tags (#20)
  • Prism.js Code Highlighting (Markup, Bash, Swift, JS, C, Go, Python...)
  • Font: Lato weights 100,300,300italic
  • Automatic internal and external linking
  • Featured Image on Posts
  • Custom Tag Home Page
  • Tag Styling
  • Date Styling
  • Single Author (no Author on Posts)
  • Gallery Viewer (Photoswipe) (#10)
  • Custom Gallery Post Listing



I have included with v1.0.4 a way to do some basic feature configuration that is often asked for: These are the default values (found in oscar.js):

let oscar = {
    animatedNav: true,
    tagMenu: true,
    tagKey: '#tagnav',
    requirePosts: false

animatedNav: if the nav auto hides, or is shown
tagMenu: if the secondary tag menu is shown
tagMenu is dependant on ghost api beta feature this can be turned on under [Ghost Admin] -> [Labs] -> [Public API]
tagKey: what the custom key to look for in the tag description is. (this can be any string)
requirePosts: show only tags that have posts in them


The navigation menu can be customize through the ghost admin, the theme come with 32 custom icons that can be used in the nav bar menu.
Please see here for all icons http:
simply just use the icon class name
e.g icon-twitter for -> twitter. Navigation


To get the full benefits of the Gallery Viewer (Photoswipe) in a blog post, simply tag the post with gallery. Any post that is of type gallery will get special behavior.

  • Gallery Post will be displayed differently in a the list post view, they will show special gallery icon, and will not show any description.
  • Gallery Post will have special behavior for the user. The images will all have a cursor pointer and be clickable. Once any image is clicked, the photoswipe viewer will open in full view.
  • To add images to a gallery post, add them as you normally would with any post.

Code Syntax Highlighting

Use prismjs for syntax highlighting.
in your blog symply surround code block with:



  • Download the Theme .zip
  • Install the Theme (Instructions]
    • Unzip the folder and upload to 'ghost/content/themes'
    • Restart ghost and log in
    • Go to settings > themes and select Upholsterygeist


Free. As in free beer...
If you like the theme, and would like me to keep building cool free ghost themes feel free to buy me a beer.
Paypal Badge


Oscar Morrison


Open sourced under the MIT license.