Use EPG Data from on your Kodi Simple IPTV Client.
Since only provides one xml file (in a different structure) a day,
I had to find a solution that automatically fetches the provided data and merges it into a xml file.
Get the current 6 days of epg data provided and merge them into a single xml file. Data older than "Yesterday" is automatically cleaned up.
Only data that is not yet downloaded will be fetched, no unnecessary GET Requests are made!
python -p 12345678910
Only get a single day (0 = current day)
python -p 12345678910 -d 0
Specify the input path, where the raw epgdata is fetched to. Data older than Current-Day - 1 is automatically cleaned up.
python -p 12345678910 -i /path/
Specify the output path for the "mixed" xml.
python -p 12345678910 -o /path/
Check your playlist.m3u file and change the names according to the ch0-Tag in the channel.xml file.
<ch0>Romance TV</ch0>
epgdata_files = The input folder, all fetched data lies in there.
output = The output folder with the mixed.xml you can use on Kodi Simple IPTV Client. = The application start file.
channel.xml = A list of channels used for converting the data from epgdata - Do not change this.