orz-grabber is a node.js module used to grab webpage content.
You can either grab a single webpage or multiple webpage, in jQuery collection or JSON format according to your needs.
Some websites limit the concurrent url requests to certain number; with orz-grabber you can set the concurrent url requests limits, and orz-grabber will get back to you once all requests have been completed.
$ npm install orz-grabber
var grabber = requier('orz-grabber');
Print out list of article titles:
grabber.grab_page(site_url, $_jQuery_selector, function($items) {
var items = [];
$items.forEach(function(item, idx) {
index : idx + 1,
title : item.attr('title'),
href : item.attr('href')
Grab multiple pages:
grabber.grab_multi(site_url_list, $_jQuery_selector, concurrent_limit, function($items, idx) {
// Do something with $items and its corresponding index
// ......