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YADC_CLONE for ARM architecture (Raspberry Pi et al.)

Cloned from CouchDB's official Docker image (src (upstream)), minimal changes applied to Dockerfile (e.g. using resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie, ...)

Yet Another Dockerized CouchDB – but for ARM architecture. Put the couch in a docker container and ship it anywhere w/ your ARM architecture device, e.g. Raspberry Pi.

Build and tested on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (ARMv8).

  • Version (stable): CouchDB 1.7.1, Erlang 17.3
  • Version (stable): CouchDB 2.1.1, Erlang 17.3

Available tags

  • 1.7.1: CouchDB 1.7.1
  • 1.7.1-couchperuser: CouchDB 1.7.1 with couchperuser plugin
  • latest, 2.1.1: CouchDB 2.1.1 single node (capable of running in a cluster)


  • built on top of the solid and small resin/rpi-raspbian:jessie base image
  • exposes CouchDB on port 5984 of the container
  • runs everything as user couchdb (security ftw!)
  • docker volume for data

Run (latest/2.1.1)

Available on the docker registry as matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:latest. This is a build of the CouchDB 2.0 release. A data volume is exposed on /opt/couchdb/data, and the node's port is exposed on 5984.

By default, CouchDB's HTTP interface is exposed on port 5984. Once running, you can visit the new admin interface at http:https://<dockerhost>:5984/_utils/

CouchDB uses /opt/couchdb/data to store its data, and is exposed as a volume.

Here is an example launch line for a single-node CouchDB with an admin username and password of admin and password, exposed to the world on port 5984:

# expose it to the world on port 5984 and use your current directory as the CouchDB Database directory
$ docker run -p 5984:5984 --volume $(pwd):/opt/couchdb/data --volume ~/etc/local.d:/opt/couchdb/etc/local.d --env COUCHDB_USER=admin --env COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:2.1.1

Detailed configuration (latest/2.x)

CouchDB uses /opt/couchdb/etc/local.d to store its configuration. It is highly recommended to bind map this to an external directory, to persist the configuration across restarts.

CouchDB also uses /opt/couchdb/etc/vm.args to store Erlang runtime-specific changes. Changing these values is less common. If you need to change the epmd port, for instance, you will want to bind mount this file as well. (Note: files cannot be bind-mounted on Windows hosts.) Available on the docker registry as matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1.

In addition, a few environment variables are provided to set very common parameters:

  • COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD will create an ini-file based local admin user with the given username and password in the file /opt/couchdb/etc/local.d/docker.ini.
  • COUCHDB_SECRET will set the CouchDB shared cluster secret value, in the file /opt/couchdb/etc/local.d/docker.ini.
  • NODENAME will set the name of the CouchDB node inside the container to couchdb@${NODENAME}, in the file /opt/couchdb/etc/vm.args. This is used for clustering purposes and can be ignored for single-node setups.

If other configuration settings are desired, externally mount /opt/couchdb/etc and provide .ini configuration files under the /opt/couchdb/etc/local.d directory.

Important notes (latest/2.x)

Please note that CouchDB no longer autocreates system databases for you. This is intentional; multi-node CouchDB deployments must be joined into a cluster before creating these databases.

You must create _global_changes, _metadata, _replicator and _users after the cluster has been fully configured. (The Fauxton UI has a "Setup" wizard that does this for you.)

The node will also start in admin party mode!

Note also that port 5986 is not exposed, as this can present significant security risks. We recommend either connecting to the node directly to access this port, via docker exec -it <instance> /bin/bash and accessing port 5986, or use of --expose 5986 when launching the container, but ONLY if you do not expose this port publicly. Port 5986 is scheduled to be removed with the 3.x release series.

Run (1.7.1)

Available as an image on Docker Hub as matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1

[sudo] docker pull matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1

# expose it to the world on port 5984
[sudo] docker run -d -p 5984:5984 --name couchdb matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1

curl http:https://localhost:5984

...or with mounted volume for the data

# expose it to the world on port 5984 and use your current directory as the CouchDB Database directory
[sudo] docker run -d -p 5984:5984 -v $(pwd):/usr/local/var/lib/couchdb --name couchdb matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1

If you want to provide your own config, you can either mount a directory at /usr/local/etc/couchdb or extend the image and COPY your config.ini (see Build you own).

If you need (or want) to run couchdb in net=host mode, you can customize the port and bind address using environment variables:

  • COUCHDB_HTTP_PORT (default: 5984)

1.7.1 with couchperuser plugin

This build includes the couchperuser plugin. couchperuser is a CouchDB plugin daemon that creates per-user databases

[sudo] docker run -d -p 5984:5984 --name couchdb matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:1.7.1-couchperuser

Build your own

You can use matthiasg/rpi-couchdb as the base image for your own couchdb instance. You might want to provide your own version of the following files:

  • local.ini for your custom CouchDB config

Example Dockerfile:

FROM matthiasg/rpi-couchdb:latest

COPY local.ini /usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.d/

and then build and run

[sudo] docker build -t you/awesome-couchdb .
[sudo] docker run -d -p 5984:5984 -v ~/couchdb:/usr/local/var/lib/couchdb you/awesome-couchdb

For the 2 image, configuration is stored at /opt/couchdb/etc/.

Add Upstream, fetching changes

git remote add upstream
git fetch origin -v; git fetch upstream -v; git merge upstream/master

Feedback, Issues, Contributing

General feedback is welcome at our user or developer mailing lists.

Credits, Attribution, THANK YOU and ❤