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Closed Oct 18, 2023 100% complete

Code name "DevSpeed". From http:

Because of the fact that Bitbucket terminates support for Mercurial and OpenClover uses it, we will migrate to Git (issue #98). We think it's quite beneficial as Git is an industry standard. Repositories will be migrated to GitHub, as this is more popular platform for open-source. We will also replace…

Code name "DevSpeed". From http:

Because of the fact that Bitbucket terminates support for Mercurial and OpenClover uses it, we will migrate to Git (issue #98). We think it's quite beneficial as Git is an industry standard. Repositories will be migrated to GitHub, as this is more popular platform for open-source. We will also replace Ant with Maven (Gradle is quickly gaining in popularity, so this is also an option) and drop support for old plugins (Grails 2.x and Hudson) and Java versions (1.6 and older). We are convinced that all these actions will lower the entry barrier for contributors and will make development faster.

2023.03.29 update:

This release will also bring BETA support for Java 17. Thus, OpenClover 4.5.0 will support versions 1.7 to 17.

This will be BETA, because we need more thorough testing of language's corner cases; also files won't be instrumented automatically.

This milestone is closed.

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