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Ean Moody edited this page Oct 6, 2016 · 8 revisions


Open5e is intended to deliver 3 primary objectives:

  1. An open-source and developer-friendly SRD documentation without ads or other distractions.
  2. APIs that allow machine-parseable SRD text with helpful metadata to be retrieved by other projects.
  3. Useful tools for GMs and players built on those APIs.

It is not intended to be:

  1. A dumping ground for unofficial content.
  2. Yet another wiki. Our content will be primarily the SRD and derivations thereof. We don't want to store user data.


The intended philosophy of the site is to encourage experimentation and creativity. All ideas are welcome and should be encouraged. Please fork the project, contribute issues, make pull requests, etc.

If it can be changed, try it

The default response to a new idea idea should be "yes, let's do it" unless there are specific reasons to do otherwise (see below). It is better to ship something useful today than something perfect six months from now.

Don't break consuming projects

The main reason to hold back an idea is if it would break existing functionality for consumers. That said, version numbers are cheap. If you have a way to make our API way more useful but it would break, make a new version number and let's see it.

Don't paint us into a corner (without a good reason)

The other reason to slow down if if an idea would limit our ability to remain flexible in the future. If there are two ideas with roughly equal merit, try the one that has the smaller commitment first. We can always try the irreversible one later. Any idea that would tie us to a technology or methodology in an irreversible manner will be subject to lots of debate.