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Repository files navigation


Welcome to the OI Lume Template. You can see what this looks like by visiting

You'll need to customise some things to get started:

  • Review the contents of _config.ts. Pay particular attention to the site URL, as this will affect how relative links are created. You can probably ignore the rest of this for the moment.
  • The source for the site is held in the src directory.
  • Review the contents of src/_data.yml
    • This is where the default page layout is defined in the layout key. The default is templates/page.njk. This template can be found in the _includes directory.
    • Select colours for the site header and logo by updating the logo_colour and header_class keys. The Open Innovations Brand page will help.
    • Edit the site title and other SEO metadata in under the metas key. See the Lume metas plugin documentation for more information.
  • Edit the title of this page in the frontmatter above. You can override the template by setting the layout key.
  • Remove all this stuff from this README and write your own!

Using this template

Either create a new repoistory from a template or use the degit tool.

npx degit my-local-path

The latter is more flexible, as it allows you to insert the template into an existing repository, but comes at the cost of having to have npx installed on your system, which in turn needs node and npm. I'd recomment the LTS (Long Term Support) version of node if you have to make a choice!.

Deploying a GitHub site

The page is set up