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EU Regional Development Fund

Signature Gateway demo application

Demo application is provided to study the flows and integration of Signature Gateway. NB! This is not meant to be used in production!


  • Authorization
  • Container conversion to and from HASHCODE form
  • Mobile-ID signing
  • ID card signing (with Web eID in front end)
  • Smart-ID signing
  • Signature validation

How to set up

SiGa demo application is not a standalone system, it requires either the SiGa application to already be running on your machine or pointing the demo app towards sample APIs.


  1. Java JDK 17 - to compile and run SiVa demo
  2. SiVa parent project - Can be found here

Option 1: Running SiGa locally with Docker

  1. Docker must be installed and running.
  2. Build SiGa demo application docker image:
./mvnw clean spring-boot:build-image
  1. Then, follow the "Running SiGa with Docker" instructions at SiGa webapp to run both apps at the same time.

If everything was successful, open up the browser at https://siga-demo.localhost:9443/.

Option 2: Running with external APIs

  1. Open up the file and change the following properties accordingly:
Parameter Description Example
siga.api.uri SIGA server URL (without slash symbol in the end) https://siga.localhost:8443/siga Location of the trustore containing server's certificate or CA (path without quotes symbol) classpath:siga_server_truststore.p12 or file:/path/to/siga_server_truststore.p12 Password of the trustore containing server's certificate or CA. changeit Type of the trustore containing server's certificate or CA. Defaults to system default if not provided. PKCS12
  1. Build this project
./mvnw clean install
  1. Run compiled JAR (found in target folder)
java -jar siga-demo-application-X.X.X.jar

Now application is accessible at https://siga-demo.localhost:9443/.

SiGa demo configuration

Example file can be seen here. Common Spring Boot properties are described here.

Parameter Mandatory Description Example
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size N Max file size. 20MB
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size N Max request size. 35MB

How to use

Before every signing the webapage needs to be reloaded and files uploaded.

With Docker setup, Signature Gateway is in TEST mode. Meaning it is possible to sign only with TEST ID-card, TEST Mobile-ID or TEST Smart-ID.

  • TEST ID-cards can be ordered here.
  • TEST Mobile-ID numbers can be found here.
  • TEST Smart-ID numbers can be found here.