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Onyx plugin providing read and write facilities for Kafka 0.8. This plugin will be kept in maintainence mode for the time being. This plugin automatically discovers broker locations from ZooKeeper and updates the consumers when there is a broker failover.


In your project file:

[org.onyxplatform/onyx-kafka-0.8 ""]

In your peer boot-up namespace:

(:require [onyx.plugin.kafka])



Reads segments from a Kafka topic. Peers will automatically be assigned to each of the topics partitions, unless :kafka/partition is supplied in which case only one partition will be read from. :onyx/min-peers and :onyx/max-peers must be used to fix the number of the peers for the task to the number of partitions read by the task.

NOTE: The :done sentinel (i.e. batch processing) is not supported if more than one partition is auto-assigned i.e. the topic has more than one partition and :kafka/partition is not fixed. An exception will be thrown if a :done is read under this circumstance.

Catalog entry:

{:onyx/name :read-messages
 :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages
 :onyx/type :input
 :onyx/medium :kafka
 :kafka/topic "my topic"
 :kafka/group-id "onyx-consumer"
 :kafka/fetch-size 307200
 :kafka/chan-capacity 1000
 :kafka/zookeeper ""
 :kafka/offset-reset :smallest
 :kafka/force-reset? true
 :kafka/empty-read-back-off 500
 :kafka/commit-interval 500
 :kafka/deserializer-fn :my.ns/deserializer-fn
 :kafka/wrap-with-metadata? false
 :onyx/min-peers <<NUMBER-OF-PARTITIONS>>
 :onyx/max-peers <<NUMBER-OF-PARTITIONS>>
 :onyx/batch-size 100
 :onyx/doc "Reads messages from a Kafka topic"}

Lifecycle entry:

{:lifecycle/task :read-messages
 :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.kafka/read-messages-calls}
key type default description
:kafka/topic string The topic name to connect to
:kafka/partition string Optional: partition to read from if auto-assignment is not used
:kafka/group-id string The consumer identity to store in ZooKeeper
:kafka/zookeeper string The ZooKeeper connection string
:kafka/offset-reset keyword Offset bound to seek to when not found - :smallest or :largest
:kafka/force-reset? boolean Force to read from the beginning or end of the log, as specified by :kafka/offset-reset. If false, reads from the last acknowledged messsage if it exists
:kafka/chan-capacity integer 1000 The buffer size of the Kafka reading channel
:kafka/fetch-size integer 307200 The size in bytes to request from ZooKeeper per fetch request
:kafka/empty-read-back-off integer 500 The amount of time to back off between reads when nothing was fetched from a consumer
:kafka/commit-interval integer 2000 The interval in milliseconds to commit the latest acknowledged offset to ZooKeeper
:kafka/deserializer-fn keyword A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to deserialize a message. Takes one argument - a byte array
:kafka/wrap-with-metadata? boolean false Wraps message into map with keys :offset, :partitions, :topic and :message itself

Writes segments to a Kafka topic using the Kafka "new" producer.

Catalog entry:

{:onyx/name :write-messages
 :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages
 :onyx/type :output
 :onyx/medium :kafka
 :kafka/topic "topic"
 :kafka/zookeeper ""
 :kafka/serializer-fn :my.ns/serializer-fn
 :kafka/request-size 307200
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Writes messages to a Kafka topic"}

Lifecycle entry:

{:lifecycle/task :write-messages
 :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.kafka/write-messages-calls}

Segments supplied to a write-messages task should be in in the following form: {:message message-body} with optional partition and key values e.g. {:message message-body :key optional-key :partition optional-partition}.

key type default description
:kafka/topic string The topic name to connect to
:kafka/zookeeper string The ZooKeeper connection string
:kafka/serializer-fn keyword A keyword that represents a fully qualified namespaced function to serialize a message. Takes one argument - the segment
:kafka/request-size number The maximum size of request messages. Maps to the max.request.size value of the internal kafka producer.
:kafka/no-seal? boolean false Do not write :done to the topic when task receives the sentinel signal (end of batch job)

Test Utilities

A take-segments utility function is provided for use when testing the results of jobs with kafka output tasks. take-segments reads from a topic until a :done is reached, and then returns the results. Note, if a :done is never written to a topic, this will hang forever as there is no timeout.

(ns your-ns.a-test
  (:require [onyx.kafka.utils :as kpu]))

;; insert code to run a job here

;; retrieve the segments on the topic
(def results
  (kpu/take-segments (:zookeeper/addr peer-config) "yourtopic" your-decompress-fn))

(last results)
; :done

Embedded Kafka Server

An embedded Kafka server is included for use in test cases where jobs output to kafka output tasks. Note, stopping the server will not perform a graceful shutdown - please do not use this embedded server for anything other than tests.

This can be used like so:

(ns your-ns.a-test
  (:require [onyx.kafka.embedded-server :as ke]
            [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))

(def kafka-server
    (ke/map->EmbeddedKafka {:hostname ""
                            :port 9092
                            :broker-id 0
			    :num-partitions 1
			    ; optional log dir name - randomized dir will be created if none is supplied
			    ; :log-dir "/tmp/embedded-kafka"
			    :zookeeper-addr ""})))

;; insert code to run a test here

;; stop the embedded server
(component/stop kafka-server)


Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed.


Copyright © 2015 Michael Drogalis

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.