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onetwo360-viewer 0.1.0

Widget for showing OneTwo360 images/animations ci

browser support

Viewer client for http:


Current progress

  • 0.1.1 - February 2014
    • test against onetwo360-server
    • ensure portability IE/8+,Android/2.3+,iOS/6+,Opera/12+,Chrome,Firefox,Safari
    • cache-normal should be multible-callable, but only runs once
    • fullscreen use hires-image if available, and recache low-res
    • more documentation


  • 0.1.0 - January/February 2014
    • bower-publish
    • unit testing and continous integration with travis and testling
    • better decoupling of model, view and control
    • support for sending statistics/logging to server
    • automatic removal of tests and development code from production version (via uglify-js)
    • optimise "Animate on load" to run during load, - increasing perceived load performance significantly
  • 0.0.0-MILESTONE-2 - December 2013 / January 2014
    • log util, sending log to server
    • locally cached development data for easier development / automated testing
    • requestAnimationFrame for smoother animation
    • open source - available on github
    • use solapp for automatic minification and easier development
  • 0.0.0-MILESTONE-1 - October/November 2013
    • avoid moving zoom-lens beyond image / constraint on edge
    • allow interaction during rotate
    • connect with API
    • gif spinner indicator
    • logo on top with fade-out
    • zoom button
    • fullscreen button
    • fullscreen(on both desktop and mobile)
    • dynamic load hi-res images (on fullscreen after .5s same image + zoom use scaled lo-res when starting) + recache lo-res
  • 0.0.0-MILESTONE-0 - September 2013
    • Version up and running
    • Browser-support: IE8+, iOS 5+ Android 4+
    • Rotate on drag
    • Handle touch and mouse
    • Zoom-lens effect(on desktop+mobile)
    • Zoom on click (on desktop) and on hold (on mobile)
    • Cursor icon
    • Image caching / preloader
    • Animate on load


  • next
    • icons not requiring full font-awesome
  • later
    • maybe disable zoom lens when fullscreen
    • multitouch - see if we can enable zoom/scroll by no-preventDefault when multifinger (no, difficult, look into this later)
    • customer logo(postponed due to no customer logo links in sample data from the api)
    • labels/markers/interaction points (postponed due to no markers/interaction points in the sample data from the api)
    • fullscreen issues on android when user-scaleable
    • maybe close fullscreen on click outside image
    • test/make sure it works also wit small data sets of 1 picture
    • icons / documentation - zoom-lense(desktop), fullscreen, close(fullscreen)
    • thumbnails when few pictures (maybe instead of drag)

Literate source code

Minification globals

define isNodeJs and runTest in such a way that they will be fully removed by uglifyjs -mc -d isNodeJs=false -d runTest=false

if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined" or typeof runTest == "undefined" then do ->
  root = if typeof global == "undefined" then window else global
  root.isNodeJs = (typeof window == "undefined") if typeof isNodeJs == "undefined"
  root.runTest = true if typeof runTest == "undefined"


if !isNodeJs
  nextTick = (fn) -> setTimeout fn, 0


  if runTest
    testcount = 6
    currentTestId = 0
    console.log "1..#{testcount}"
    testDone = 0
    expect = (expected, result, description) ->
      if JSON.stringify(expected) == JSON.stringify(result)
        console.log "ok #{++currentTestId} #{description || ""}"
        log "test ok", currentTestId, description, expected
        console.log "not ok #{++currentTestId} + #{description || ""}" +
          "expected:#{JSON.stringify expected}" +
          "got:#{JSON.stringify result}"
        log "test failed", currentTestId, description, expected, result
      if testDone == testcount
        log "tests done"


  Object.keys ?= (obj) -> (key for key, _ of obj)


  XHR = XMLHttpRequest
  legacy = false
  if typeof (new XHR).withCredentials != "boolean"
    legacy = true
    XHR = XDomainRequest

  ajax = (url, data, cb) ->
    xhr = new XHR()
    xhr.onerror = (err) -> cb? err || true
    xhr.onload = -> cb? null, xhr.responseText (if data then "POST" else "GET"), url, !!cb
    xhr.send data
    return xhr.responseText if !cb

  if runTest then nextTick ->
    ajax "//", undefined, (err, result) -> expect result, '{"status":"ok"}', "async ajax"
    ajax "//", "foo", (err, result) -> expect result, '{"status":"ok"}', "async ajax post"


  extend = (target, source) ->
    for key, val of source
      target[key] = val
    return target

  if runTest then nextTick ->
    a = {a: 1, b:2}
    expect (extend a, {b:3, c:4}), {a:1,b:3,c:4}, "extend"
    expect a, {a:1,b:3,c:4}, "extend"


  deepCopy = (obj) ->
    if typeof obj == "object"
      if obj.constructor == Array
        result = []
        result.push deepCopy(e) for e in obj
        result = {}
        result[key] = deepCopy(val) for key, val of obj
      return result
      return obj

  if runTest then nextTick ->
    a = {a: [1,2,3]}
    b = deepCopy a
    b.b = "c"
    b.a[1] = 3
    expect a, {a: [1,2,3]}, "deepcopy original unmutated"
    expect b, {a: [1,3,3], b: "c"}, "deepcopy copy with mutations"

add event listener

  elemAddEventListener = (elem, type, fn) ->
    if elem.addEventListener
      elem.addEventListener type, fn, false
      elem.attachEvent "on"+type, fn


We want to send logging and statistics to server, but not drain battery nor exhaust the network, so the log is saved to memory, and then only send across the network when more than logBeforeSync entries has been collected, or the user leaves the page. It is also throttled, so logging data are sent no more than once every syncDelay milliseconds.

On legacy browsers we cannot send the log when the user leave the page, so there we just send update every syncDelay milliseconds.

  log = undefined
  syncLog = undefined
  do ->
    logId = Math.random()
    logUrl = "/api/log"
    logData = []
    logSyncing = false
    logsBeforeSync = 200
    syncDelay = 400
    syncLog = ->
      if !logSyncing
          logContent = JSON.stringify logData
        catch e
          logContent = "Error stringifying log"
        logSyncing = logData
        logData = []
        ajax logUrl, logContent, (err, result) ->
          setTimeout (-> logSyncing = false), syncDelay
          if err
            log "logsync error", err
            logData = logSyncing.concat(logData)
            logData.push [+(new Date()), "log sync'ed", logId, logData.length]
            syncLog() if (legacy || runTest) && logData.length > 1

    log = (args...) ->
      logData.push [+(new Date()), args...]
      nextTick syncLog if logData.length > logsBeforeSync || legacy || runTest
      return args

    nextTick ->
      elemAddEventListener window, "error", (err) ->
        log "window.onerror ", String(err)
      elemAddEventListener window, "beforeunload", ->
        log "window.beforeunload"
          ajax logUrl, JSON.stringify logData # blocking POST request
        catch e
    log "starting", logId, window.performance


if !isNodeJs

The model is just a json object that is passed around. This has all the state for the onetwo360 viewer

  defaultModel =
      current: 0
        width: undefined
        height: undefined
        urls: []
        width: undefined
        height: undefined
        urls: []
    spinOnLoadFPS: 30
      lensSize: 200
      enabled: false
      x: undefined
      y: undefined
    showLogo: true
    loading: true
      width: undefined
      height: undefined
      domId: undefined


  if runTest
    testModel = deepCopy(defaultModel)
    do ->
      testModel.frames.zoom.width = 1000
      testModel.frames.zoom.height = 447

testModel.width = testModel.frames.normal.width = 1000 testModel.height = testModel.frames.normal.height = 447

      testModel.width = testModel.frames.normal.width = 500
      testModel.height = testModel.frames.normal.height = 223
      for i in [1..52] by 1

testModel.frames.normal.urls.push "/testdata/#{i}.jpg"

        testModel.frames.normal.urls.push "testdata/#{i}.normal.jpg"
        testModel.frames.zoom.urls.push "testdata/#{i}.jpg"


if !isNodeJs


When targeting mobile devices, and possibly several 360º views on a page, memory is more likely to be bottleneck than CPU.

We therefore just preload the compressed images into the browsers component cache, and decompress them at render time. (This is a time/space-tradeof).

The actual rendering is just replacing the src of an image tag, - also making it work in non-HTML5 browsers, such as IE8, which we also need to support.

The html of the view is static, only updated through css-changes.

View constructor, - create a view and bind it to a dom element

Create the view, - and bind it to a dom element

  View = (model, domId) ->
    @model = model
    domElem = document.getElementById(domId)
    throw log "couldn't find dom element for view", domId if !domElem
    @defaultWidth = model.width || domElem.offsetWidth
    @defaultHeight = model.height || domElem.offsetHeight


    @style =
        textAlign: "left"
        webkitTapHighlightColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)"
        webkitUserSelect: "none"
        display: "inline-block"
        cursor: "url(res/cursor_rotate.cur),move"

NB: order of the following keys needs to be the exactly same as the children of the dom root node

        width: "100%"
        height: "100%"
        display: "block"
        position: "absolute"
        overflow: "hidden"
        width: @model.zoom.lensSize
        height: @model.zoom.lensSize
        border: "0px solid black"
        cursor: "default"
        backgroundColor: if !legacy then "rgba(100,100,100,0.8)" else undefined
        borderRadius: (@model.zoom.lensSize/2)

borderBottomRightRadius: (zoomSize/5)

        boxShadow: "0px 0px 40px 0px rgba(255,255,255,.7) inset, 4px 4px 9px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"
        backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat"
        position: "absolute"
        opacity: "0.7"
        textShadow: "0px 0px 5px white"
        color: "#333"
        transition: "opacity 0.5s"
        position: "absolute"
        position: "absolute"
        position: "absolute"
        top: "49%"
        left: "49%"

    buttonStyle =
      position: "absolute"
      color: "#333"
      opacity: "0.7"
      textShadow: "0px 0px 5px white"
      backgroundColor: if !legacy then "rgba(255,255,255,0)" else undefined
      fontSize: @defaultHeight * .08
      padding: @defaultHeight * .02
    extend @style.btnFull, buttonStyle
    extend @style.btnZoom, buttonStyle

Dom element creation

    @elems = {}
    @elems.root = document.createElement "div"
    @elems.root.innerHTML =
      '<img>' +
      '<div class="onetwo360-zoom-lens"></div>' +
      '<i class="icon-OneTwo360Logo"></i>' +
      '<i class="fa fa-fullscreen onetwo360-fullscreen-button"></i>' +
      '<i class="fa fa-search onetwo360-fullscreen-button"></i>' +
      '<img src="spinner.gif">'
    domElem.appendChild @elems.root

    elemNames = Object.keys @style
    for i in [1..elemNames.length-1]
      @elems[elemNames[i]] = @elems.root.childNodes[i-1]

Properties that will be initialised later

    @width = undefined
    @height = undefined
    @showLogo= undefined
    @imgSrc = undefined

Data structure for optimised style update

    @elemStyle = {}
    @styleCache = {}
    for key, _ of @elems
      @elemStyle[key] = @elems[key].style
      @styleCache[key] = {}

Connect to parent dom node (domId), and get its width/height

Update view

    return this

View#update() request redraw the view based on current content of the model

  View.prototype.update = ->
    return if @updateReq
    @updateReq = true
    self = this
    nextTick (-> self._update(); self.updateReq = false)

  View.prototype._update = -> #{{{3
    log "View#_update'd", @top, @left, @width, @height

  View.prototype._fullscreen= -> #{{{3

TODO: handle nonstatic parents

    if @model.fullscreen
      extend @style.root,
        position: "absolute"
        zIndex: "10000"
        top: window.scrollY
        left: window.scrollX
        width: window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth
        height: window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight

      imWidth = @model.frames.normal.width
      imHeight = @model.frames.normal.height
      imRatio = imWidth/imHeight
      ratio = @style.root.width/@style.root.height

      extend @style.image,
        position: "absolute"
        width: @style.root.width * Math.min(1, imRatio/ratio)
        height: @style.root.height * Math.min(1, ratio/imRatio)
      extend @style.image,
        left: (@style.root.width - @style.image.width) / 2
        top: (@style.root.height - @style.image.height) / 2
      extend @style.root,
        position: "relative"
        zIndex: "0"
        top: 0
        left: 0
        width: @defaultWidth
        height: @defaultHeight
      extend @style.image,
        position: "relative"
        top: 0
        left: 0
        width: @defaultWidth
        height: @defaultHeight
      boundingRect = @elems.root.getBoundingClientRect()

    @top =
    @left = @style.image.left
    @width = @style.image.width
    @height = @style.image.height

  View.prototype._root = -> #{{{3

extend @style.root, backgroundImage: "url(#{@model.frames.normal.urls[@model.frames.current]})" backgroundSize: "#{@width}px #{@height}px"

  View.prototype._overlays = -> #{{{3
    @style.spinner.display = if @model.loading then "block" else "none"

    extend @style.logo,
      top: @height*.35
      left: @width*.5 - @height*.3
      fontSize: @height*.2
      opacity: if @model.showLogo then "1" else "0"
    btnStyle =
      top: @top + @height - @width * .1
      fontSize: @width * .06
      padding: @height * .02
    extend @style.btnFull, btnStyle
    @style.btnFull.left = @left + @width * .90
    extend @style.btnZoom, btnStyle
    @style.btnZoom.left = @left + @width * .02

  View.prototype._zoomLens = -> #{{{3
    if @model.zoom.enabled
      current = @model.frames.current

      url = @model.frames.zoom.urls[current]
      w = @model.frames.zoom.width
      h = @model.frames.zoom.height
      size = @model.zoom.lensSize

      img = new Image()
      img.src = url
      if !img.complete
        img.onload = =>

TODO, - this spawns tons of updates when complete, make sure it only run once, and also recache - should be same as with image-src when optimizing that, so refactor into separate fn

        url = @model.frames.normal.urls[current]

      left = Math.max(0, Math.min(@width, @model.zoom.x - @left))
      top = Math.max(0, Math.min(@height, @model.zoom.y - @top))
      bgX = -left/@width * (w + size) + size/2
      bgY = -top/@height * (h + size) + size/2
      extend @style.zoomLens,
        position: "absolute"
        display: "block"
        left: left - size/2 + @left
        top: top - size/2 + @top
        backgroundImage: "url(#{url})"
        backgroundSize: "#{w + size}px #{h + size}px"
        backgroundPosition: "#{bgX}px #{bgY}px"
      extend @style.zoomLens,
        display: "none"

  View.prototype._image = -> #{{{3

TODO use highres if available, otherwise normalres, - on hires load recache

    imgSrc = @model.frames.normal.urls[@model.frames.current]
    if imgSrc != undefined && imgSrc != @imgSrc
      @elems.image.src = imgSrc
      @imgSrc = imgSrc

  View.prototype._applyStyle = -> #{{{3
    for elemId, css of @style
      for key, val of css
        if @styleCache[elemId][key] != val
          val = val + "px" if typeof val == "number"
          if true || !runTest
            @elemStyle[elemId][key] = val
              @elemStyle[elemId][key] = val
            catch e
              log "Cannot set #{key}:#{val} on #{elemId}"
              throw e

          @styleCache[elemId][key] = val


  if runTest
    testView = undefined
    do ->
      t0 = +(new Date())
      testView = new View(testModel, "threesixtyproduct")
      t1 = +(new Date())
      testModel.frames.current = 0
      testModel.fullscreen = false



if !isNodeJs

Cache frames

  cacheFrames = (frameset, cb) ->

TODO: frameset may always be normal, so use model instead of frameset TODO: allow cacheframes to be called several times, but only run once

    frameset.loaded = []
    count = 0
    log "caching frameset", frameset.urls
    for i in [0..frameset.urls.length - 1]
      img = new Image()
      img.onload = ((i) -> ->
          frameset.loaded[i] = +(new Date())
          if ++count == frameset.urls.length
            log "done caching frameset", frameset.urls
      img.src = frameset.urls[i]

Incremental load

  incrementalLoad = (model, view, cb) ->
    loadStart = +(new Date())
    lastTime = undefined
    lastSetFrame = 0
    allLoaded = false
    model.frames.current = 0
    incrementalUpdate = ->
      count = 0
      maxTime = loadStart
      while model.frames.normal.loaded[count]
        maxTime = Math.max(model.frames.normal.loaded[count], maxTime)
      if count > model.frames.current + 1
        now = +(new Date())
        lastTime ?= now
        loadTime = (maxTime - loadStart) / count
        frameTime = Math.max(loadTime, 1000/model.spinOnLoadFPS)
        if lastTime + frameTime < now
          while lastTime + frameTime < now
            lastSetFrame = model.frames.current = Math.min(count - 1, model.frames.current + 1)
            lastTime += frameTime
          lastTime = now
          log "incremental load animation", lastSetFrame

      if (model.frames.current == lastSetFrame) && (model.frames.current < model.frames.normal.urls.length - 1)
        nextTick incrementalUpdate
        log "finished incremental load animation"

    if model.spinOnLoadFPS
      cacheFrames model.frames.normal, -> model.loading = false; view.update()
      log "starting incremental load animation"
      cacheFrames model.frames.normal ->
        model.loading = false

  t0 = +new Date()


  if runTest
    incrementalLoad testModel, testView, -> log "spinned #{+new Date() - t0}"


Abstraction that handles single touch/mouse/... uniformly, - and also makes sure that mouseup/release are detected outside of listened element if pressed on elem

Assign onstart, onhold, onclick, onmove and onend to handle the events.

  tapLength = 500
  tapDist2 = 10*10
  ontouch = (elem, callback) -> #{{{4
    elemAddEventListener elem, "mousedown", (e) ->
      callback e
    elemAddEventListener elem, "touchstart", (e) ->
      callback e

  TouchHandler = (elem) -> #{{{4
    self = this
    @elem = elem
    condCall = (fn) -> (e) ->
      return undefined if !self.touching
      e.preventDefault?() self, e.touches?[0] || e

    elemAddEventListener document, "mousemove", condCall @_move
    elemAddEventListener document, "touchmove", condCall @_move
    elemAddEventListener document, "mouseup", condCall @_end
    elemAddEventListener document, "touchend", condCall @_end
    elemAddEventListener elem, "mousedown", (e) -> e.preventDefault?(); self.start e
    elemAddEventListener elem, "touchstart", (e) -> e.preventDefault?(); self.start e.touches[0]
    return this

  TouchHandler.prototype._reset = -> #{{{4
    @touching = false
    @holding = false
    @startTime = +new Date
    @maxDist2 = 0

  TouchHandler.prototype._update = (e) -> #{{{4
    bounds = @elem.getBoundingClientRect()
    prevX = @x; prevY = @y
    @x = e.clientX - bounds.left; @y = e.clientY -
    @dx = @x - @x0 || 0; @dy = @y - @y0 || 0
    @ddx = @x - prevX || 0; @ddy = @y - prevY || 0
    @maxDist2 = Math.max(@maxDist2, @dx*@dx + @dy*@dy)
    @time = +new Date - @startTime
  TouchHandler.prototype.start = (e) -> #{{{4
    return if @touching
    @_update e
    @touching = true
    @isMouse = !e.touches
    e = e.touches[0] if !@isMouse
    @x0 = @x; @y0 = @y
    @_update e
    setTimeout (=> @_holdTimeout()), tapLength

  TouchHandler.prototype._holdTimeout = -> #{{{4
    if @touching && !@holding && @maxDist2 < tapDist2
      @holding = true

  TouchHandler.prototype._move = (e) -> #{{{4
    @_update e

  TouchHandler.prototype._end = (e) -> #{{{4
    return if !@touching
    @_update e
    @onclick?() if @maxDist2 < tapDist2 && @time < tapLength

  if runTest #{{{4
    testTouchHandler = new TouchHandler(testView.elems.root)
    testTouchHandler.onstart = -> log "start", @x, @y
    testTouchHandler.onmove = -> log "move", @x, @y
    testTouchHandler.onclick = -> log "click", @x, @y
    testTouchHandler.onhold = -> log "hold", @x, @y
    testTouchHandler.onend = -> log "end"


  controller = (model, view) ->
    touchHandler = new TouchHandler(view.elems.root)

drag to rotate

    startFrame = undefined
    touchHandler.onstart = ->
      model.showLogo = false
      startFrame = model.frames.current
      log "touchstart", @x, model.frames.current
    rotate = ->

TODO: use parameter for rotate sensitivity/direction

      model.frames.current = (startFrame + (@dx / 10)>>>0) % model.frames.normal.urls.length
      log "touchmove", @x, @dx, model.frames.current
    touchHandler.onmove = rotate

zoom lens

    updateZoom = ->
      model.zoom.x = @x
      model.zoom.y = @y
    startZoom = ->
      nextTick =>
          clientX: @x
          clientY: @y
        model.zoom.enabled = true this

      touchHandler.onmove = updateZoom
      touchHandler.onend = ->
        model.zoom.enabled = false
        touchHandler.onmove = rotate
        touchHandler.onend = undefined

    touchHandler.onclick = -> touchHandler if @isMouse
    touchHandler.onhold = startZoom
    ontouch view.elems.btnZoom, -> touchHandler

full screen

    ontouch view.elems.btnFull, (e) ->
      model.fullscreen = !model.fullscreen
      nextTick ->
        touchHandler.touching = false

  if runTest then do ->
    controller testModel, testView


if !isNodeJs
  window.onetwo360 = (cfg) ->
    return setTimeout (-> window.onetwo360 cfg), 100 if document.readyState != "complete"
    log "onetwo360 called", cfg
    ajax "//" + cfg.product_id, undefined, (err, data) ->

ajax "testdata/config.js", undefined, (err, data) ->

      throw log "error loading embed data", cfg.product_id if err
      data = JSON.parse data
      log "got and parsed data", cfg.product_id

      model = deepCopy defaultModel
      model.frames.normal.width = data.width
      model.frames.normal.height = data.height
      model.frames.zoom.width = data.zoomWidth
      model.frames.zoom.height = data.zoomHeight
      model.width = cfg.request_width
      model.height = cfg.request_height
      for file in data.files
        model.frames.normal.urls.push data.baseUrl + file.normal
        model.frames.zoom.urls.push data.baseUrl + file.zoom

      model.spinOnLoadFPS = 0 if cfg.dontSpinOnLoad
      view = new View(model, cfg.elem_id)

      incrementalLoad model, view
      controller model, view


if isNodeJs
  express = require "express"
  app = express()
  app.use (req, res, next) ->
    console.log req.originalUrl
  app.use "/testdata", (req, res, next) ->
    res.header 'Expires', (new Date(+new Date +  3600*1000)).toUTCString()
    res.header 'Cache-Control', "public"
  app.use express.static __dirname
  startTime = +(new Date())
  app.use "/api", (req, res, next) ->
    data = ""
    req.on "data", (d) -> data += d
    req.on "end", ->
      res.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers.origin || "*"
      res.header 'Access-Control-Max-Age', 0
      res.header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true
      res.header "Content-Type", "text/plain"
      res.json "{\"ok\":true}"
        for event in JSON.parse data
          console.log (event[0] - startTime) / 1000, event
          if event[1] == "starting"
            startTime = event[0]
          if process.argv[2] == "test"
            process.exit 1 if event[1] == "test failed"
            process.exit 0 if event[1] == "tests done"
      catch e
        console.log e

  port = process.env.PORT || 4444
  app.listen port
  console.log "devserver running on port #{port}" autogenerated from solsort