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A flutter boilerplate project can be used both enterprise & individual application.

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Flutter Boilerplate Project (Flutmovie App)

A flutter boilerplate project can be used both enterprise & individual application.

Getting Started

Enterprise & Individual App
Presents minimal requirement for creating a new enterprise & individual application.
Domain-driven design
Has been developed by using Domain-driven design concept.
Clean & Doc-commented
Has a clean architecture, and is doc-commented for the most class in it.
BLoC state managment
Uses a BLoC state managment which is recommended by Flutter.
Responsive Degisn
Supports responsive mobile design, and compatible every device even tablet!

How to Use

Step 1:

Download or clone this repository by using the link below:

Step 2:

Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:

flutter pub get

Step 3:

This project uses inject library that works with code generation, execute the following command to generate files:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

or watch command in order to keep the source code synced automatically:

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

Step 4:

This project also uses extensions feature in dart. In case, If it doesn't work, you need do run the below code in the project root.

dartanalyzer .

Boilerplate Features

  • Splash
  • Login
  • Home
  • Bloc Statemanagment
  • Provider (State Management)
  • Theme
  • Dio
  • Database
  • Connectivity Support
  • Validation
  • Dependency Injection
  • Responsive Support
  • Multilingual Support
  • A project example

Multilingual And Responsive Support

Iphone11inchTablet      Iphone8Table      Iphone8Table

1 - Iphone Tablet - 1670.0x2400.0
2 - Android Phone - 1080.0 * 1920.0
3 - iPad tablet Phone - 480.0 * 800.0

Folder Structure

Here is the lib folder which contains the main code for the application.

|- core/
|- data/
|- domain/
|- presentations/
|- dependency_injection.dart
|- main.dart

core - contains the objects that is used all across the application.
data (layer) - contains the services, databases and shared preferences of the application.
domain (layer) - contains the usecases, repositories and entities of the application.
presentation (layer) - contains the ui-pages and BLoCs of the application.

Core Folder

|- blocs/
      |- auhentication/
            |- authentication_bloc.dart
            |- authentication_event.dart
            |- authentication_state.dart
            |- index.dart
      |- bases/
            |- bloc_base.dart
            |- bloc_event_base.dart
            |- bloc_state_base.dart
      |- bootstart/
            |- boostart_bloc.dart
            |- boostart_event.dart
            |- boostart_state.dart
            |- index.dart/
|- consts/
      |- app_consts.dart
      |- enums.dart
|- failures/
      |- failures.dart
|- localization/
      |- app_localization_base.dart
      |- app_localizations.dart
|- theme/
      |- app_colors.dart
      |- app_theme.dart
|- utils/
      |- connectivity_utils.dart
      |- screen_utils.dart
      |- validations.dart
|- widgets/
      |- app_circular_progress_indicator.dart
      |- app_fade_animation.dart
      |- ...

Data (layer) Folder

|- exceptions/
      |- local_server_exception.dart
      |- remote_server_exception.dart
      |- sharedpref_exception.dart
|- local/
      |- datasources/
             |- user_local_datasource.dart
             |- ...
      |- local_consts.dart
|- models/
      |- model_Base.dart
      |- user_model.dart
|- network/
      |- datasources/
             |- ...
      |- api_datasource_base.dart
      |- dio_client.dart
      |- network_consts.dart
|- sharedpref/
      |- datasources/
             |- authentication_datasource.dart
      |- sharedpref_consts.dart

Domain (layel )Folder

|- entities/
      |- user_entity.dart
|- repository/
      |- authentication_repository.dart
      |- repository.dart
      |- repository_utils.dart
      |- user_repository.dart
|- usecases/
      |- authentication/
             |- clear_token.dart
             |- get_token.dart
             |- is_authenticated_user.dart
             |- set_token.dart
      |- user/
             |- do_login.dart
             |- get_user_by_token.dart
      |- usercase.dart

Presentation (layer) Folder

|- home/
      |- bloc/
             |- home_bloc.dart
             |- home_event.dart
             |- home_state.dart
             |- index.dart
      |- pages/
             |- home_page.dart
      |- widgets/
             |- home_page_bottom.dart
             |- home_page_top.dart
             |- index.dart
|- login/
      |- bloc/
             |- login_bloc.dart
             |- login_event.dart
             |- login_state.dart
             |- index.dart
      |- cubit/
             |- login_form_field_cubit.dart
             |- login_form_field_state.dart
      |- pages/
             |- login_page.dart
      |- widgets/
             |- login_page_form.dart
             |- login_page_form_title.dart
             |- login_page_form_top.dart
             |- index.dart
|- splash/
      |- cubit/
             |- splash_cubit.dart
             |- splash_state.dart
      |- pages/
             |- splash_page.dart
      |- widgets/
             |- splash_page_app_signature.dart
             |- splash_page_logo_widget.dart
             |- splash_page_message_widget.dart
             |- index.dart

App Flow Chart


Flow chart was taken from resocoder website


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';

import 'core/blocs/authentication/index.dart';
import 'core/blocs/bootstart/index.dart';
import 'core/localization/app_localizations.dart';
import 'core/theme/app_theme.dart';
import 'core/widgets/index.dart';
import 'dependency_injection.dart' as di;
import 'presentations/home/pages/home_page.dart';
import 'presentations/login/pages/login_page.dart';
import 'presentations/splash/pages/splash_page.dart';

void main() async {
  await di.configure(;

/// [AppBootStart] is the root of your application.
class AppBootStart extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      onGenerateTitle: (context) {
        return t("app_title");
      theme: themeData,
      supportedLocales: [
        Locale("en", "US"),
        Locale("tr", "US"),
        Locale("tr", "TR")
      localizationsDelegates: [
      localeResolutionCallback: (locale, supportedLocales) {
        for (var supportedLocale in supportedLocales) {
          if (supportedLocale.languageCode == locale.languageCode &&
              supportedLocale.countryCode == locale.countryCode) {
            return supportedLocale;
        return supportedLocales.first;
      home: BlocProvider(
        create: (_) => GetIt.instance.get<BootStartBloc>(),
        child: BlocBuilder<BootStartBloc, BootStartState>(
          builder: (context, state) {
            if (state is BootStartIsOverState) {
              return app(context);
            } else if (state is BootstartStateOnMessageState) {
              return SplashPage(state.message);
            } else
              return Container();

  /// [app] runs after BootStart is over.
  Widget app(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocProvider(
      create: (_) => GetIt.instance.get<AuthenticationBloc>(),
      child: BlocBuilder<AuthenticationBloc, AuthenticationState>(
        builder: (_, state) {
          if (state is UnAuthenticationState) {
            return LoginPage();
          } else if (state is InAuthenticationState) {
            return HomePage();
          } else if (state is AuthenticationOnMessageState) {
            return SplashPage(state.message);
          } else
            return Container();

  /// [dInjectionUIThenLoadBootStart] Registers the ui dependencies like localization, screenutils(reposiveness) which depends on the context.
  /// Then, fires the [LoadBootStartEvent]
  void dInjectionUIThenLoadBootStart(BuildContext context) {
    if (GetIt.instance.get<BootStartBloc>().state is UnBootstartState)


A flutter boilerplate project can be used both enterprise & individual application.







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