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GraphQL API for Drupal 7

Build Status

GraphQL API with GraphiQL

The problems

All the cool thing seems to be happening on Drupal 8 which are includes GraphQL.

This module attempt bring GraphQL to Drupal 7.

For Drupal 8, you should use


  • PHP 5.4+



  • /graphqleditor explore your Drupal 7 site's GraphQL schema
  • /graphql use your favorite GraphQL client (Apollo to begin query
  • graphql_api_query_file() execute .GrahpQL query from file

The tools

The plans

  1. Create module graphql_api
  2. Create class Drupal\grapql\_api\Schema to build GraphQL schema
    • use hook_entity_info(), hook_entity_property_info() to build GraphQL schema
    • map Drupal concept to GraphQL concept
      • Entity type -> Interface
      • Entity bundle -> Object
      • Entity revision -> Object
      • Property, Field API -> Property
    • resolve relationship use entity metadata info
      • Base field uid -> Inteface: user
      • Base field rid -> Object: revision
      • Field API: term_reference -> Interface: term
      • Field API: entityreference -> Interface/Object target entity
      • Field API: relation -> Interface/Object target entity
  3. Create GraphQL endpoint /graphql
    • receive POST content with GraphQL query and variables
    • query using Drupal's EntityFieldQuery
    • check entity access using entity_access
    • resolve property using entity_metadata_wrapper
    • return result


  1. Field will be shortened field_tags -> tags Shortened field name can be duplicate with base table's column or other property. Keep field name intact.
  2. If entity type have single bundle, we skip GraphQL interface and just use GraphQL object. Eg: user, file, ... Entity reference field will resolve to Entity type, not bundle.