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Modular multithreading HTTP/1.1 + WebSocket server framework


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Modular multithreading HTTP/1.1 + WebSocket server framework


# nim r --d:release --d:threadsafe thisexample

import cgi, guildenstern/[dispatcher, httpserver]
proc handleGet() =
  echo "method: ", getMethod()
  echo "uri: ", getUri()
  if isUri("/favicon.ico"): reply(Http204)
    let html = """
      <!doctype html><title>GuildenStern Example</title><body>
      <form action="http:https://localhost:5051" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">
      <input name="say" value="Hi"><button>Send"""

proc handlePost() =
  echo "client said: ", readData(getBody()).getOrDefault("say")
  reply(Http303, ["location: " & http.headers.getOrDefault("origin")])
let getserver = newHttpServer(handleGet, contenttype = NoBody)
let postserver = newHttpServer(handlePost, loglevel = INFO, headerfields = ["origin"])
postserver.start(5051, threadpoolsize = 20, maxactivethreadcount = 10)
joinThreads(getserver.thread, postserver.thread)


7.x.x series:



POSIXy OSs (Linux, BSD, MacOS):

atlas use GuildenStern


  • step 1: Install WSL
  • step 2: atlas use GuildenStern

Release notes, 7.1.0 (2024-06-10)

  • All threads are initialized when their server is started (instead of when they are first used), making the system more fail-fast
  • - is an accepted char in header field names
  • WebSocketServer code clean-up: WebSocketContext removed; opcode not anymore visible to end users
  • Minor fixes and improvements

Release notes, 7.0.0 (2024-06-01)

StreamingServer has been merged to HttpServer

  • receiveInChunks iterator renamed to receiveStream
  • maxrequestlength renamed to bufferlength
  • newHttpServer does not anymore take hascontent parameter, but instead:
  • newHttpServer takes contenttype parameter:
    • Compact (the default mode): Equivalent to previous hasContent=true mode, where whole request body must fit into the buffer
    • NoBody: Equivalent to previous hasContent=false mode, for optimized handling of requests like GET that do not have a body
    • Streaming: Equivalent to previous StreamingServer, where you have to read the body yourself using the receiveStream iterator
  • startDownload-continueDownload-finishDownload combo renamed to replyStartChunked-replyContinueChunked-replyFinishChunked

Header processing streamlined

  • parseHeaders and parseAllHeaders obsoleted
  • newHttpServer takes headerfields parameter, listing header fields that you need
  • in request handlers http.headers StringTableRef is automatically populated with needed header key-value pairs

New MultipartServer

  • handles multipart/form-data for you as neatly parsed
  • operates in streaming manner, allowing huge uploads without blowing up RAM

Improvements to websockets

  • If you do not accept a connection (reply false in upgradeCallback), a HTTP 400 reply is now automatically sent before the socket is closed
  • PONG is now automatically replied to PINGs, sendPong proc is removed
  • default reply values changed, now timeoutsecs = 10, sleepmillisecs = 10
  • if all in-flight receivers are blocking, now suspends for (sleepmillisecs * in-flight receiver count) milliseconds
  • fixed isMessage bug