Somehow I needed to embed a nice wrapper in a hardware project for administrative purposes like setting date, setting up network, etc.
Main library modules -
c_tty.c - Character User Interface. Provides command line editing, saving command history, etc.
c_sh.c - shell, provides command inlining and execution of primitive shell-like scripts.
c_tty supports basic line editing, understanding the keys:
- backspace to delete characters,
- Del to delete characters,
- left and right arrow to move the insertion point,
- Ctrl-C to ditch the entire line,
- Up and Down arrow for select line from history buffer.
- Tab to tab Completion
Built-in commands: "exit", "quit", "break", "continue", "if", "then", "fi", "else", "elif", "true", "false", "while", "until", "for", "do", "done", "echo", "test", "[", "[[", "set", "read", "tee", "seq"
FIFO channel support: cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 (with user defined external handler)
Redirect STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR support: cmd1 > file 2> file, cmd1 2>file >&2 cmd < file (with user defined external handler)
Variable substitutions:
$var $ {var} -
Command substitutions: $(cmd) `cmd`