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Depencency injection container for golang

!!! This is the very first version of the container, not yet production ready, it is in a prototype stage and changes are coming soon. Why don't you test it? !!!


Mapping, resolving a struct via interface:

With Set method

container := godicontainer.NewContainer()

// First parameter is the string representation of the interface to resolve
// Second parameter is a function which has the following structure:
// type CallbackFunc func() (interface{}, error)
container.Set("resolvableInterfaceName", newResolvableConrete)

With SetDefinitions

container := godicontainer.NewContainer()
definitions := godicontainer.CallbackDefinitions{
	"AnimalInterface": NewCat,
	"HumanInterface":  NewHuman,


Resolve implementation with Get

animal, err = app.container.Get("AnimalInterface")
if err != nil {

eated = animal.(AnimalInterface).Eats()

Auto wire properties:

Add the interface declaration of your properties to your concrete implementation struct: Add struct tag: di:"autowire" Exampe:

type Creatures struct {
	Animal AnimalInterface `di:"autowire"`
	Human  HumanInterface  `di:"autowire"`

The struct property must be exported, therefore must start with capital letter:

Not working:

animal AnimalInterface `di:"autowire"`


Animal AnimalInterface `di:"autowire"`

Then wire in the dependencies:

creatures := Creatures{}
app.container.ResolvDependencies(creatures, &creatures)


Full examples:

Respolve instance

package main

import (


// App to centralize the container
type App struct {
	container *godicontainer.Container

type AnimalInterface interface {
	Eats() string

type Dog struct {

// Animal also can be a cat
type Cat struct {

func (a *Dog) Eats() string {
	return "Dog eats cat"

func (a *Cat) Eats() string {
	return "Cat eats mouse if not eaten by the dog"

func NewCat() (interface{}, error) {
	return &Cat{}, nil

func NewDog() (interface{}, error) {
	return &Dog{}, nil

func newApp() *App {
	return &App{
		container: godicontainer.NewContainer(),

func main() {
	app := newApp()
	app.container.Set("AnimalInterface", NewCat)

	animal, err := app.container.Get("AnimalInterface")
	if err != nil {

	eated := animal.(AnimalInterface).Eats()


	app.container.Set("AnimalInterface", NewDog)

	animal, err = app.container.Get("AnimalInterface")
	if err != nil {

	eated = animal.(AnimalInterface).Eats()


Autowire dependencies to a struct

Create a struct and add your properites with interface type hint, Add di:"autowire" annotation to your struct to be auto wired

package main

import (


type App struct {
	container *godicontainer.Container

type AnimalInterface interface {
	Eats() string

type Dog struct {

type Cat struct {

type HumanInterface interface {
	Say() string

type Human struct {

// Add your annotations to be autowired
type Creatures struct {
	Animal AnimalInterface `di:"autowire"`
	Human  HumanInterface `di:"autowire"`

func (a *Dog) Eats() string {
	return "Dog eats cat"

func (a *Cat) Eats() string {
	return "Cat eats mouse if not eaten by the dog"

func (h *Human) Say() string {
	return "Human says hello world"

func NewCat() (interface{}, error) {
	return &Cat{}, nil

func NewDog() (interface{}, error) {
	return &Dog{}, nil

func NewHuman() (interface{}, error) {
	return &Human{}, nil

func newApp() *App {
	return &App{
		container: godicontainer.NewContainer(),

func main() {
	app := newApp()
	definitions := godicontainer.CallbackDefinitions{
		"AnimalInterface": NewCat,
		"HumanInterface":  NewHuman,

	// You cannot use a ponter here
	creatures := Creatures{}

	// You have to pass the stucture instance and it's pointer as well
	// The original strut will contain your changes
	// (this may change in the future)
	app.container.ResolvDependencies(creatures, &creatures)


@TODO Incorrect setup will result in fatal error, add different checks to make sure all error handled