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Raspberry Pi powered Etch A Sketch

Raspberry Pi powered Etch A Sketch


As a hobby project to give me something else to think about than work when I'm not at work (and when I am at work) I decided to automate drawing with an Etch A Sketch.

Design Requirements

  1. Do not modify the Etch A Sketch

    I ended up violating this requirement but in an acceptably minor way: I popped the white knobs off and replaced them with synchronous drive pulleys. When building the hardware I realized that I was going to substantially increase the cost and complexity of my project by trying to keep the white plastic knobs in place, and that on the software side there would be no difference.

    Most importantly the Etch A Sketch can't be modified to lift up the stylus!

  2. The program itself must interpret and draw an image.

    I haven't yet implemented this part of the program. It quickly became obvious that this requirement is a giant black-hole and that I could easily get sucked in and then never write the rest of the program. I've written almost everything else and now it is time to go back and work on image processing.

  3. The code should be clean, professional, and extensible.

    I think I achieved this fairly well! There are a couple small [style inconsistencies](PEP8 http: "PEP8") , but I'll clean those up over time.



The script is the main script used to coordinate everything. The origin is considered to be the bottom left corner of the Etch A Sketch screen (this is the math/science convention, rather than the graphics convention, sorry). If the stylus is not at (0,0), then you can drive it there using

To talk to the motors you need Adafruit's RPi.GPIO library library. There are probably other Raspberry Pi GPIO libraries, but I haven't tried them.

Most Linux distros will require super-user privileges to use the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi, so you'll need to run any program that drives a motor via them with super-use privileges. If you are new to Linux, remember that is done either by running the su command to enter super-user mode, or to precede an entry on the command line with sudo.

oliver@rpi:~/etch$ sudo python

Hello World


Just as with, you'll need super-user privileges to run

At the ? prompt you can issue commands composed of a direction and a distance. Directions are u, r, d, and l and are followed immediately (no space) by the number of steps to take.

This would draw a square approximately 1cm on a side:

oliver@rpi:~/etch$ sudo python
? u150
? r150
? d150
? l150

You cannot issue serial commands like ? u50r10u100r90. But if you would like to extend to do that or anything else I would be grateful.

Reading the Program

This program implements a strategy pattern so all the big ugly code that creates paths is tucked away to keep the rest of the code and the Render() relatively clean.

Paths are computed, scaled to fit the screen and then drawn by connecting the points in order in with straight lines. The straight lines are computed with Bressenham's line algorihm. The algorithm is modified so that rather than returning the coordinates of each point on the line, it returns a list of Point() objects where x, y are -1, 0, 1 and represent single steps by the stepper motor. With the configuration I have set-up this produces wonderfully smooth lines as each step is approximately 0.04mm.

  • coordinates the everything

  • Render() is defined in and is class that interacts with to get a list of Point()s as a path and and a width and height all as data attributes. Render() has the important method .scale([factor]) where factor is a numeric data type and will be used to scale up or down the path - you'd use this method if you want to scale an image to fit a screen of a given size.

    Note also that the data attributes x and y don't necessarily correspond with the maximum x or y in the .path attribute. An image may have white space outside of its drawn portion, this allows that white space to exist.

  • Point() is defined in and is an object with x and y attributes that are integers (Bressenham's line algorithm only really makes logical sense with integers).

    • __rmul__ is implemented but not __mul__ so if p is an instance of Point(), you can say 2*p but not p*2.
    • you can add +, subtract -, negate -, and compare = two Point()s, but not multiply etc. since I don't know what that would mean - same goes for __lt__(), __le__(), etc.
  • Canvas() is defined in and is really just a height and width of the screen to set the maximum distance that the stylus can travel before it won't drive any further.

  • Stepper() is defined in The steppers are driven by powering a sequential pattern of its four coils. Those patterns are defined as forward_sequence and reverse_sequence as well as an error_sequence that can be sent to the motor to allow the program to continue normal operation but not move the stylus - as when the stylus has run outside of the limits of Canvas().

  • step_bressenham() and compute_bressenham() functions are defined in These aren't particularly long functions, but they are just long enough that pulling them out of cleaned up the code a lot. compute_bressenham() returns a list of Point()s representing the two end points and every point connecting them, that list can then be sent to step_bressenham() which will return a list of the moves needed to connect the ends of the line as described above.

Extending the Program

Implementing your own path generator should be fairly straightforward. A path generator should inherit its interface from PathInterface in the module, or re-implement the interface. Specifically your path generator object needs these public data attributes:

  • self.width() returns a non-negative integer
  • self.height() returns a non-negative integer
  • self.path() returns an ordered list of Point() objects with integer values.

Your path generator then needs to be passed to be set as the Render object's path_generator attribute either when initializing the Render object, or via the Render.set_path_generator() method.

That's it!


Here is one hardware list that works:

To Do

  • Write a method to center an image on the screen.
  • Make a path simulator to output an .svg so that new path generators can be quickly tested.
  • Implement path generators that read an image. (That's why I made this program!)
  • Build something to automatically clear the screen.
  • Clean up inconsistencies in coding style.


  • If you want a little lesson about driving stepper motors with the Raspberry Pi, then check out Adafruit's lessn

  • Here is where I learned about driving stepper motors, though the code isn't the best.

  • If you are new to the Rasbperry Pi then check out Adafruit's tutorials

    If you need a comprehensive introduction then start with their setup of the Raspberry Pi and then do the rest of the tutorials.

  • For more about the Strategy Pattern in Python check out this Stack Exchange discussion


Robot control for Etch-a-sketch.







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