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OVIZART = Open VİZual Analsis foR network Traffic


Ovizart application is a Django based web application. It can be either run on your machine by using the Django's development server or by installing a web server and setting the wsgi type handler to handle the Python code.

Using Development Server

The explanations will be covered according to a Debian based system.

  • Clone the source code from Github

This required Git installation.

$ sudo apt-get install git-core

After the installation is finished, git command is available for usage

$ git clone
  • Install zc.buildout and some other Python bindings that are used at the application

python-dpkt is used to handle protocol based information. It is both used for getting TCP/UDP packed headers, payloads, sized and application level data.

python-magic is used to get file MIME types.

python-pip is used during buildout process to get required third party Python bindings.

Mercurial is necessary to run "hg clone" command at the command line.

$ sudo apt-get install mercurial python-pip python-dpkt python-magic

Like some third party Python bindings it is also required to install external programs. They are tshark and tcpflow.

$ sudo apt-get install tshark tcpflow

tshark is required for an alternative method to detect application layer protocols where Bro fails At some level, Bro is not able to detect missing handshaked application level protocols, though tshark does.

tcpflow is used to get reassembled TCP information whenever Bro's handler is not good enough. It is seen that tcpflow works much better for SMTP traffic, for ex.

  • Run the buildout command to initialize and install the requirements

This will download the required third party python bindings, put the eggs in the directories.

$ python

This command may give errors, which means some directories are already created. Remove these directories.

$ rm -rf bin/ develop-eggs/ eggs/ parts/ src

On up to date OS, running may ask you to update it

$ rm
$ wget 

After running you will have your directory structure to keep Python bindings. Run the buildout command either buildout2.7 or for up-to-date ones the buildout one.

$ buildout

If the command runs successfully new directories should be seen at the ovizart directory.They are bin, develop-eggs, eggs, parts and requirements directories. Except from bin directory, others keep the required third-party bindings that are defined at the buildout.cfg file. bin directory is the one that will help us use Django commands like "runserver* or shell.

Ovizart application uses mongodb to keep data.

  • Install mongodb server

It is a NoSQL server.

$ sudo apt-get install mongodb-server

You may test the mongodb running by writing mongo to the command line if you see a shell like below then you may continue to create the tables at the database

$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.0.4
connecting to: test
  • Creating tables requires using django command usage.

Assuming that the cloned directory name is ovizart, first enter the directory where bin directory is.

$ cd ovizart

Then run the django command

$ bin/django syncdb

If there is no error saying that there is no mongo db backend, then the Django API will start creating tables. It will ask to create admin related tables, say no to that.

If the table creation finishes successfully, a demo user is required to be defined. Running the user create script will do it for you.

$ cd ovizart
$ python scripts/

This will add a user with the below credentials:

username: demo
user email: [email protected]
password: ozyy4r12
  • If you got backend errors like django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'django_mongodb_engine' isn't an available database backend. then install the django-mongodb backend manually.

Buildout should be handling them and there shouldn't be a requirement for installing them manually if you are not planning to use development server.

$ sudo pip install pymongo
$ git clone django-nonrel
$ cd django-nonrel; git checkout nonrel-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd djangotoolbox; git checkout toolbox-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
$ git
$ cd mongodb-engine; git checkout mongodb-engine-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
  • Django application requires some directories with writable permission. At the directory where is, three directories require writable permission to let the server process create files inside them.

    $ chmod a+w uploads $ chmod a+w json_files $ chmod a+w csv_files

If these directories are not listed, then create them first.

  • Bro-ids is required for protocol detection.

Download and extract the source first

$ wget
$ tar xvzf bro-2.0.tar.gz
$ cd bro-2.0

Compiling the Bro source requires some additional libraries to be installed.

The commands are tested under Kubuntu 12.04. At Debian Squeeze, swig2.0 should be removed from the command line.

$ sudo apt-get install libmagic-dev libgeoip-dev libpcap-dev libssl-dev libncurses5-dev g++ bison flex cmake swig2.0 make gcc g++ python-dev zlib1g-dev
$ ./configure --enable-debug
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd /usr/local/bro/bin
$ sudo broctl
$ install
$ start
$ stop
$ check
$ exit
$ /usr/local/bro/bin/bro -C -r should be working
  • Bro is used both for protocol detection and TCP reassembly. To let Bro handle assemble the contents, a file should be changed. If you installed Bro to /usr/local/bro/ then edit the file /usr/local/bro/share/bro/base/protocols/conn/contents.bro as below

Although it is used for IDS, Bro is used for TCP reassembly issues at this project.

\#\# If this variable is set to ``T``, then all contents of all connections  
\#\# will be  extracted.  
const default_extract = T &redef;
  • It is required two development server processes running.

    $ bin/django runserver

    $ bin/django runserver

After this step the application is ready to be used. Open the browser and go to the address By using login credentials, you may upload raw traffic files, mainly pcap formatted files.

Current beta version supports HTTP, DNS and SMTP traffic analyzing. Use login part only for uploads. After upload, logout and check the uploaded traffic details. The logins pages are not fixed yet.

Using Web Server

  • Install all required Python binding and third-party programs

You need to install every required binding.

$ sudo apt-get install mercurial python-pip python-dpkt python-magic, python-django
$ sudo apt-get install tshark tcpflow
$ sudo pip install hachoir-core==1.3.3
$ sudo pip install hachoir-parser==1.3.4
$ sudo pip install hachoir-regex==1.0.5
$ sudo pip install hachoir-subfile==0.5.3
$ sudo pip install django-tastypie==0.9.11
$ sudo pip install pymongo
$ git clone django-nonrel
$ cd django-nonrel; git checkout nonrel-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd djangotoolbox; git checkout toolbox-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
$ git
$ cd mongodb-engine; git checkout mongodb-engine-1.3; git pull; sudo python install; cd ..
  • Install mongodb server

    $ sudo apt-get install mongodb-server

  • Create tables and create the test user

Assuming you cloned the repo to ovizart directory

$ cd ovizart
$ buildout
$ bin/django syncdb

Say no for the admin table creation.

$ cd ovizart
$ python scripts/

create_user script should be including same paths like the one at bin/django file.

  • Install Bro as development server one.

  • Install web server

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2

  • Apache requires wsgi module to handle Python files

    $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

wsgi requires a virtual host definition. A sample virtual host definition is under wsgi directory. Copy it under apache configuration directory and enable the site. Before copying, change the path names and server name. In my example the cloned directory path is /home/oguz/git/ovizart and the server name is which is defined also at /etc/hosts files.

$ cp apache_django /etc/apache2/sites-available
$ a2ensite apache_django
$ /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

The virtual host definition runs the wsgi script also. So make it executable

$ chmod a+x django.wsgi

Check its paths also before restarting the server.

  • Apache requires port configuration.

Edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf and add two lines below the default port definitions as below

NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

NameVirtualHost *:8000
Listen 8000

This will require Apache restart and changes. A sample file is added with the name Make your changes according to it.

After restarting Apache, or whatever domain you defined should be working fine for you, too.


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